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Account lost

Account lost

Hello , I tried opening my Spotify today and it didn’t take my user name and password (saying they were wrong when they weren’t) there was no option of resetting my password. There was an option to have a link sent , I clicked it , but nothing was sent) . So I deleted the app and reinstalled. But same thing happened again. Then I created a new account (using the same old info )  and instead of saying an exciting account excists, it opend a brand new account 😞 now all my old playlists are GONE. Please help. Took my years to put it all together 😞 

thanks Inbar. 


PS I never used Facebook to log in if that matters/ plus I have been out of the country for a month if this information is helpful...


1 Reply



Hey @user-removed ,


Welcome to the Community! 


Sorry to hear you're having trouble to access your account. 


First of all, I recommend you to check out this article:


It may help you to find your account.


Let me know how it goes! 🙂 

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