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Can't change my country!


Can't change my country!



I am having a problem... I cant change the country of my account back to Netherlands. it is stuck at United Kingdom. What can i do to change it back? 😞 Since this happend, i cannot listen to some songs i like...


I wish to get this fixed soon.



100 Replies

thanks for the help bro! I was already getting the shakes coz of lack of the daily music dose 😉 now, the next task would be to install spotify on the android tablet I also bought here in Portugal, namely the nexus 7. It's the same story all over, I try to download the application but it sez no. is there any way round this one?

Your in luck 😉 


You can download it from the website in your tablets browser. 

Alternatively, if you can navigate to this post on your tablet, just click the link here to download the client 😉 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I have the same issue, I have moved into Singapore since 15 days and so I can't have music.I try to move my country but I can't currently ( spotify didn't detect my new IP ?)


Help, can you make the change please ?

@Picou wrote:



I have the same issue, I have moved into Singapore since 15 days and so I can't have music.I try to move my country but I can't currently ( spotify didn't detect my new IP ?)


Help, can you make the change please ?

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Are you using Spotify free? 

If so, Spotify is not currently available in Singapore, that is why you have lost your access, seeing as you only get 14 days of abroad access when using Spotify free. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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hi there!


i can't change my country, and therefore i can't listen to spotify.
For about 5 months i've been living in Germany (Austria previously), but I've already been listening to Spotify here in Germany (more then the 14 days on travel). 

I had Premium for a while, but i cancelled it - so it's free mode for me.
When I check my IP via it's definitely a german IP.
If I try to change my country, the dropdown keeps grey - here a screenshot:


What can I do to listen to Spotify again?




MarkHaven - Try changing your country to Germany here.


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strangely it worked via that link.. thanks!

same problem!

i´m from Spain and living in Mexico, spotify is available here in mexico but can´t change my country to mexico on my profile

i have a lot of songs on my playlists i dont wanna a new spotify account here in mexico

what can i do?

@sethvzla wrote:

same problem!

i´m from Spain and living in Mexico, spotify is available here in mexico but can´t change my country to mexico on my profile

i have a lot of songs on my playlists i dont wanna a new spotify account here in mexico

what can i do?

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Have a read at this post for a little help in changing your country 😉 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hi Peter!


When i try to edit my profile a message appears "there is an account registered with that address"


What can I do?


btw thw for the help Peter

That will be due to a duplicate/ghost account in the system, bit of a pain! No worries, its easily fixed if you get in touch with the customer services team directly using the online contact form they can remove that extra account for you and the error will go away. In fact if you ask them nicely they might manually change your country for you 😉 

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.


Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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My spotify Unlimited has finished and I want to use the free one for now, however, I can't because my country is set to Poland, while I'm living in Taiwan right now. It says I need to update my payment details in order to change the country, but then it redirects me to the program download. Also, how come I need to update the payment details to just use free version, I'm having only Polish card anyways...

@Noispaxen - If you get in touch with support using this form they will be able to get that changed over for you. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I just moved from the US to Turkey, so I am now on a Turkish IP address. However, Spotify won't let me change my country in my profile (it is grayed out, which the website says means that the IP address matches the country my profile says I am in). So I am unable to go online. How can we fix this problem? Thanks!

@esine90 - Just wondering is this post also yours (its under a different username)? 

If so, lets continue troubleshooting there. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hi Peter, 


Thanks for your response. Yes, I had posted that, but it's under a new account that I just opened to see if that would work (it didn't - it still thinks I'm in the US). This is my main account that I've been using, so I'd rather continue the troubleshooting from here. I don't have any payment details, what kind of active subscription details can I provide? Thanks!



If your new account also believes you are in the US then something weird is going on. 

Are you connecting via a proxy, VPN or company network? Where does show your IP address locates to? 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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No. It says I'm in Turkey, here's a screenshot.


Any ideas?

@esinefe90 - Do you have any payment details attached to your account? 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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