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Charged during Free Trial

Charged during Free Trial

I recently signed up for a free trial of premium on one of my accounts (i'd forgotten i had another account because i havent used it in a year or so) and then unsubscribed soon after.  Fortunately, the trial will end 2/5/17 and won't renew - or so it says - but unfortunately i've been charged $5.35.  Is this something other people deal with? 


I plan to get premium on my other account (that's where all my music and playlists are) but i dont want to get it until I'm repaid the $5.35 and i know i wont be chagred again. 




1 Reply

Hey there @jhacker10993, welcome to the community!


That's odd. Did you receive a confirmation email when you completed the cancellation process? Make sure to check in your spam folder as some emails like to hide in there 🙂 All users get one when they cancel successfully. If you did and you still got charged, you should get in touch with a member of the Spotify staff so that they can look behind the scenes for you. You can reach them via social media on Twitter or Facebook.
Support gets back within 24-48 hours.


If you wish, they might even be able to merge your two accounts.


You can also check their refund policy here.


Hope this was helpful!



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