I was wondering if anyone could help me.I know the My Discover Weekly playlists are usually changed each early Monday morning.However,for some weird reason my Discover Weekly playlist changed a few hours ago tonight (Saturday night),it just deleted my last weeks playlist and changed it to a bunch of new songs (instead of Monday). I usually listen to my weekly discover playlists every Saturday night and save some of the songs to my playlist before they get changed late Sunday night/early Monday morning,but they were completely gone and changed to a new weekly discover playlist,before I could save them. Now I've lost all those songs,and have no way to get them back,and I really wanted to save some of them to my library,before they were supposed to change it on Monday morning.
This isn't the first time this has happened, about a month ago I went to check my discover weekly playlist on a Saturday night only to find it had changed to a new weekly discover playlist on Saturday night,and not on Monday morning,like it's supposed to.I had thought it was just a random mistake,but this is twice it's happened now, abruptly changing and replacing my weekly discover playlist too soon on a Saturday night instead of early Monday morning,like it's supposed to.
Is there anyway to restore my Weekly Discover playlist to get my songs from last week back,before it changes early Monday morning,or am I stuck with the new songs and can't get my weekly discover playlist songs back? If there's anyway any of you guys can help,or let me know why my discover weekly playlist sometimes keeps changing on a Saturday night,instead of early Monday morning??Is this just a weird error or glitch I'm experiencing that sometimes changes my discover weekly playlist too often or before it's supposed to?Is it possible someone can somehow restore my weekly discovery songs until Monday somehow? I'd really appreciate any help you can give. I use Spotify on my PS4,and on my Android tablet,and both changed to the new discover weekly playlist,making it impossible to get my discover weekly playlist songs that I was supposed to have until early Monday morning.
If there's anyone who can help,or fix this problem,I'd really appreciate it.Thanks!