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Empty playlist

Empty playlist

Hi there,

2 nights ago I was using a playlist of mine and adding songs to it. Then the next the all were gone. Not a single song left there. Same issues regardless of what device I use for spotify. Is there a way to restore this playlist? The playlist itself is still there, it's just sitting there, empty. I'd really like to get this playlist back because I use it on a daily basis.

9 Replies

Hey there @Haven!


That sounds like a mess!


You can recover playlists that were deleted here


Does this get you all your songs back?

No, because the playlist itself is still there amongst all the other playlists, it's just empty. That feature to recover playlists only shows a playlist i deleted 1 year ago.

Can I please get help to recreate this playlist or something? Or atleast restore all the songs that was in it.



Let me speak to the Spotify staff and then I'll get back to you on what I can do to help you get your playlists back ๐Ÿ™‚

By the way, @Haven, Have you reset your password? I suggest you do so if you havent. 

You can reset your Spotify Password here ๐Ÿ™‚

Also @Haven have you checked if you possibly have two accounts? one with Facebook and one with your email? this happens sometimes, you can follow this guide


Does this fix your issue?


Nope, I only have one account with one email ๐Ÿ™‚


I also tried changing/resetting password with no result. Playlist is still empty. Can someone please help?



Just Spoke to Spotify staff, I suggest you head over here and press "Sign out Everywhere" and then Change you password ๐Ÿ™‚


After that you can get your playlists back by speaking to Spotify support ๐Ÿ™‚ 


You can contact support on twitter @SpotifyCares Or you can email Support here.

If you receive a No-Reply email that says to check out the FAQ or Community just reply to that email and Spotify support will contact you ๐Ÿ™‚

Support takes 24-48 hours to reply to you if they have not replied to you by tomorrow you can ask me here and I will escalate the issue for you ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope this helped solve your issue ๐Ÿ™‚

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