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Hacked Account

Hacked Account

My account email and password were changed.  I replied to the automated email asking if this was me, which I said it was not.  I received an auto-reply saying that the issue was on your end and should be resolved and everything should be back to normal.  This is not the case.


My actual email:

Account was switched to a german email address


This is a premium account and honestly getting very tired of all these hoops I've jumped through.  I have filled out the contact form regarding this issue, which it would have been nice to note somewhere if you are having this issue, that you make sure you are not logged in anywhere because it kept sending from my hacked account.  Please resolve this.

5 Replies

Hey @Monkersville,


Have you filled this contact form out? Make sure that you're logged out of any Spotify accounts while accessing the form and it'll ask you for an email address that Spotify can use to contact you on.

MaximSpotify Star
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Yes I already filled out that form and received an automated response saying the issue was supposedly resolved but it clearly is not.  Not sure if the response I received was due to my initial email to the email change email i received or the contact form I filled out yesterday.

Just to add, the new email my account was switched to was

Spotify is still working on your support case. 🙂

MaximSpotify Star
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Thanks for the assistance @Maximapple, just posting as much info as possible.

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