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Hacked account

Hacked account

Hi all,

I have been having issues with a facebook connected premium account. My spotify was being used by multiple unknown devices on and offline. I have changed all my email, facebook/spotify passwords more than once now and logged out all users but someone called 'Mitchell Hayman' is still able to use my account.

His device name 'Mitchell's Echo Dot' still comes up on my spotify connect options and its seems his spotify username is 'mitchellhayman' as he has took the liberty of following one of his own playlists (along with creating many others).

I am on the brink of cancelling my subscription as I am not paying a monthly subscription fee for someone else to use my account for free. There is also the obvious issue that my account is connected via facebook - if he has access to one he has access to the other too!

Any help would be much appreciated as I have already tried everything I can think of.

3 Replies


I recommend you contact Spotify support as soon as possible:
Contact form:

Hi. I have a similar situation. 2 days ago i used spotify in the morning it was OK. Then in the afternoon i tried to use it again but my app was logged out. Tried to log in password wrong. I reset my password and it was back to normal. This morning music stopped for no reason. So i checked it. It was showing "listen on this phone" stuff. My account was logged in another phone ( samsung galaxy s6 to be exact). The other person even deleted my playlist. What is going on ?

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one being in this situation. I already contacted the support and I'm hoping to hear from them asap.


My Playlists get changed, deleted and whatnot. I changed the Facebook pw, every possible account connected with spotify is using 2-step authentification (Facebook, Gmail) and still I'm not able to get them out of my account.

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