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Library Song Limit


Library Song Limit

Spotify staff-


I recently reached the 10,000 song limit in my library, which is a great disappointment.  As a loyal customer for over 3 years, I have thoroughly enjoyed your product, so much that I have shifted to using it as my main source of music collection.  There must be some way that you can enable "super users" to continue to file and organize their music over this arbitrary limit.  


There may not be many of us, but (and this should be obvious) those of us that actually reach this limit are your core constituents.  We are passionate about music and your product, and I can tell you that I have gotten at least 20 people to sign up to Spotify Premium over the past couple of years as I have raved about it.  I will continue to do so, with the caveat that Spotify just isn't yet ready to become a full-fledged music library of record for musical aficianados, much to my disappointment.


One more thought: You may find interest in the creation of some type of super user account that would allow you to charge SLIGHTLY more for those of us who desire or require a higher song limit (say, unlimited...) without having to alter the accounts of your millions of users.  Bottom line is that unlimited should mean unlimited, especially in this age of big data, but a 10,000 song cap with no alternative is absurd.




271 Replies

My Groove Music Pass migration created 3 playlists for 22,768 total songs. It looks like this service doesn't work for me at all, since I can't put all those songs/albums/artists into my library.




This is what many in my tech group fear... thank you for that post.  


Spotify was a bad company for Microsoft to team with... they should have offered options and let people go where they wanted.  


I'm quickly leaning into the "spotify sucks" category.  


Another premium user who wants this fixed.

They won't fix , never have , never will. That why I cancelled Spotify and switched to Apple Music, same price, 100k song allowed.
Switch and be happy- it is so much better ! Try it, free for 3 months!!

Hi all!


Since this thread seems to have gotten some extra life in it these past weeks, I wanted to take the time to direct you all towards this thread in the Ideas Board. If this is something you would like to see changed, please vote in that thread and leave a comment. Topics in the Ideas Board are regularly monitored and discussed, and the desired result is more likely to be achieved by posting there, as opposed to in this thread.


It is also worth mentioning that the topic recently had it's status updated from "Not Right Now," to "Good Idea," so your input is making a difference! Cheers!

Wait is this a maximum of 10'000 songs in a playlist or 10'000 songs you can save/download

3333 you can download to one device. 


Not 100% sure on the 10000 limit, but I think it is the max number of songs you can have in your account. I am at 5000 so I have not looked into that one. You can search the forum for that answer. 


Looks like I am going apple anyway so I am not so concerned either way anymore. 

I already switch to Apple music - now I can have as many songs in my library as I want - much more improve than Spotify.

Both; limit is 10,000 in total as far as I know - that's combined playlist
and 'saved' songs.

Spotify and its idiot limits. It offers great service, great playlists, the best App of all, but the limits ... Kill! Only 10,000 songs in the library? The same limit for downloads. Not to mention that in this case it is even worse because this limit is not malleable. We are obliged to download songs in the maximum 3 devices and obligatorily 3,333 songs in each one. We do not have the option to offiline all 10,000 songs offline on a single device.

@TaraLynn1 wrote:

Spotify staff-


I recently reached the 10,000 song limit in my library, which is a great disappointment.  As a loyal customer for over 3 years, I have thoroughly enjoyed your product, so much that I have shifted to using it as my main source of music collection.  There must be some way that you can enable "super users" to continue to file and organize their music over this arbitrary limit.  


There may not be many of us, but (and this should be obvious) those of us that actually reach this limit are your core constituents.  We are passionate about music and your product, and I can tell you that I have gotten at least 20 people to sign up to Spotify Premium over the past couple of years as I have raved about it.  I will continue to do so, with the caveat that Spotify just isn't yet ready to become a full-fledged music library of record for musical aficianados, much to my disappointment.


One more thought: You may find interest in the creation of some type of super user account that would allow you to charge SLIGHTLY more for those of us who desire or require a higher song limit (say, unlimited...) without having to alter the accounts of your millions of users.  Bottom line is that unlimited should mean unlimited, especially in this age of big data, but a 10,000 song cap with no alternative is absurd.




@TaraLynn1 wrote:

Spotify staff-


I recently reached the 10,000 song limit in my library, which is a great disappointment.  As a loyal customer for over 3 years, I have thoroughly enjoyed your product, so much that I have shifted to using it as my main source of music collection.  There must be some way that you can enable "super users" to continue to file and organize their music over this arbitrary limit.  


There may not be many of us, but (and this should be obvious) those of us that actually reach this limit are your core constituents.  We are passionate about music and your product, and I can tell you that I have gotten at least 20 people to sign up to Spotify Premium over the past couple of years as I have raved about it.  I will continue to do so, with the caveat that Spotify just isn't yet ready to become a full-fledged music library of record for musical aficianados, much to my disappointment.


One more thought: You may find interest in the creation of some type of super user account that would allow you to charge SLIGHTLY more for those of us who desire or require a higher song limit (say, unlimited...) without having to alter the accounts of your millions of users.  Bottom line is that unlimited should mean unlimited, especially in this age of big data, but a 10,000 song cap with no alternative is absurd.





I have just found out about this and I'm upset. I'll now start searching for alternatives... 😞 I loved this app...

Y’know I wouldn’t mind the limit if it wasn’t so difficult to manage. The toggling ‘show downloaded’ just doesn’t work properly on iOS, shows loads in ‘songs’ but only a few of my downloaded albums. Don’t really want to give Apple even more money but after years on premium, finding this far too much of a hassle to tolerate much longer...

I've just hit the limit myself after 6 months of using the service. For the time being, I think I can manage to find albums in my library that I'm not interested in but this definitely won't last for too long. Then I will have to stop using Spotify as my main source of music.

Also, I find the suggestions at the beginning of this thread very sensible, although I'm not a software engineer at Spotify so can't tell if this can be some kind of a technical limitation.

I just hit the limit today. Just like everyone else who has experienced this - extremely disappointing. I listen almost entirely to classical music. Is there another streaming service with good selection but without this completely unreasonable limitation?

I just hit my limit on Spotify as well. I had no idea there was a limit. I assumed that since I was paying money, I didn't have a limit. I've been paying for this and Apple Music, so I'll discontinue Spotify payments for now. If there wasn't a limit, I'd stay! I prefer Spotify over Apple Music because it works with my Echo, but if I'm paying for premium, I don't expect these kinds of limitations. 

Just wanting to put my voice out there as well. I've been having to unsave alvuns constantly to make room for new music.


If the 10k song limit isn't expanded in the next few months I'm swapping to Google Play Music because it's really unreasonable for those of us who listen to full albums of most artists rather than just one or two songs

I've took the exactly same decision for the same reasons.

It's unbelievable that, since when i'd hit the cap, 2 years ago, they did't change their policy.


I still come back to see if anything have changed, because most of the people uses Spotify so it's easy to share Playlists through it, but i see that probably it'll never change.

I have ripped nearly all my vinyl records to digital format and my library is exceding 300000 songs. Some builds of Spotify can live with it, but last one again crashes when you start Spotify. And also local library selection can't be unselected at settings ...  THIS starts to s*****...... Is this what you call quality

I love how this is marked 'solved' when the solution is, literally, 'we are not solving this'.


I left Spotify (was a premium customer) for this reason and this reason alone, and I won't consider coming back until they fix it.


It's also pretty trivial to fix unless they really messed up something in their database, so its mystifying why they wouldn't fix it other than plain contempt for hardcore customers.


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