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Library Song Limit


Library Song Limit

Spotify staff-


I recently reached the 10,000 song limit in my library, which is a great disappointment.  As a loyal customer for over 3 years, I have thoroughly enjoyed your product, so much that I have shifted to using it as my main source of music collection.  There must be some way that you can enable "super users" to continue to file and organize their music over this arbitrary limit.  


There may not be many of us, but (and this should be obvious) those of us that actually reach this limit are your core constituents.  We are passionate about music and your product, and I can tell you that I have gotten at least 20 people to sign up to Spotify Premium over the past couple of years as I have raved about it.  I will continue to do so, with the caveat that Spotify just isn't yet ready to become a full-fledged music library of record for musical aficianados, much to my disappointment.


One more thought: You may find interest in the creation of some type of super user account that would allow you to charge SLIGHTLY more for those of us who desire or require a higher song limit (say, unlimited...) without having to alter the accounts of your millions of users.  Bottom line is that unlimited should mean unlimited, especially in this age of big data, but a 10,000 song cap with no alternative is absurd.




271 Replies

What a good solution! Thanks!

So I started using spotify about two or three weeks ago, it seemed cool so I signed up for premium but I have already hit the maximum number of "Liked" songs.

Not downloads, but just songs that I "like". I'm really confused as to why this limit exists and I have scoured this thread and others for a reason, to no avail.

I really am considering cancelling because what am I even paying for? I had almost half million "Likes" on with no issue and that only cost $3.99/mo (maybe why they don't exist anymore but still). I get why you cant download everything for offline listening, that makes perfect sense. But can you not just allow us to mark as many songs as we enjoy listening to? It seems like a really unreasonable thing to cap.


I actualy don't care about the library itself I just want a way to flag my songs so I can find them later. I would prefer a rating system of 5 stars to further filter but there is no way to do this. So i use the like inorder to accomplish this but just ran into an issue where i could not like anymore songs. Which seems arbitrary why are you limiting your most important user data point what songs they like and want to listen to. 

I welcome you and I welcome myself to the infamous '1% Epic Colletion, friend' club.



Yea, I've recently reached THE limit, did google it, twited them... Stages, dunno what step I'm in. Really FRUSTRATED and DISAPPOINTED with this long term situation.


Please do keep us updated!

But what do you get with this solution?

Saving an album you get it in albums list. So you can go there and listen ricently added albums, for example. But with added first song, you need to go to some artist (and it can be not new artist in your lib!), find it and open album based the first song?

So its simpler to have playlist with albums songs...

Hi folks!

At least to make noise and trying to let customers now the situation (which is a matter of time they'll find) I hereby invite you to continue the following twitter thread (or start a new one) perhaps posting your 'Epic collection, friend' screenshot with the hashtag #spotifyEpicCollectionFriendsClub


Cheers (sorry if this kind of thing was proposed before in this topic)



I have been a loyal premium user for years. Really from the start of Spotify in Netherlands. Now I canceled premium. Transfered library using free Song Shift app to Apple Music. 

Same here... I read online that Apple Music has 100,000 song limit. My guess is that the Spotify team is relying on some outdated data model to store the song IDs associated with specific users, as their services exploded in popularity they just decided that % users that will reach this limit and cancel subscription is far smaller cost than re-engineering some old part of their code.

I've been dealing with this problem for years at this point. Systematically having to sift through my library and root out songs that I don't like as much, just so I can have room for new songs that I come across that I like, which soon fills back up because I like to listen to new music. It's ridiculous that the cap hasn't increased even a little bit for the years I've been dealing with this problem. I've been a paid member with spotify since I discovered them some 5 or 6 years ago. Seriously have considered opening a separate account and closing this one just so I can start over clean and not worry about the cap anymore.

This f'ing sucks! My iPod holds 3x songs than Spotify's library limit. Why have a limit at all? How does that even affect Spotify? You're not downloading or owning the music, they are just bookmarks and you are still just streaming through a PAID service! Fix it now Spotify! 21st Century! ESTO SACKEA LA DICKA!

Marked as solution

Hey all,


Thanks for getting in touch!


If you are interested in seeing the song limit increased, we recommend vorig for this idea in the Ideas Exchange. You'll get notified as soon as there will be an update.


We’ve blocked replies to this thread now.


Thanks for your feedback and have a nice day.

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