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Log In with Username

Log In with Username

Note: It’s not possible to log in with a profile name.


Is the above statement correct ? Because I have been logging in with my username since almost a year now and without any problems !!!


3 Replies

Hey logic500,


So your username for Spotify is actually a string of letters and numbers that can be found under Account Settings. This is often confused with a display name, such as logic500. This may be why it will not allow you to login with your username, if you are trying anything other than the string Spotify provides you.


Hope this helps! 🙂


@davidcola ... Actually Iam logging in with the username ( nick name ) NOT  the strings of letters and alphabets that spotify provides us .. Just to make things clear when you sign up you have to mention your email and secondly spotify asks you what you want to be called ? so you can actually log in with your nick name that you provide and our email adress as well .... !! Cool

Hey @logic500.


Thanks for getting back to us.


It sounds like you have a traditional username which you can use to log in. Certain newer accounts get too choose any username they want, even if it's taken. Though, they won't be able to use that username to log in. They will only be able to log in by using their email address as a username.


Hope this clarifies some things. Let us know if you have further questions.


Have a nice day!

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