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Spotify Premium Student Discount Not Working

Spotify Premium Student Discount Not Working

I was previously signed up for the spotify premium discount for students but my payment card expired before I remembered to update the card information so I had to put my card information in again and sign up for premium again. However, spotify isnt allowing me to sign up with the spotify student discount no matter how many times I try.  


I go to the page where you start the process to sign up for the student discount and when I click the "get premium" button I get taken to my account screen with a message in a red box that says "Oops! Something went wrong, please try again."


I've tried over 10 times to get this to work in addition to trying on multiple different browsers and after logging out of all devices and logging in again.  I've also looked at the other posts on the forums and I've seen several instances of other people encountering the same problem however there is no fix being offered and barely any assistance.  I know this problem has existed for quite awhile so it isn't like this is a new problem that spotify hasn't gotten around to fixing yet.  Nothing I have tried has solved this problem and there is no listed method to explicitly contact spotify to get this corrected which is rather upsetting. My old premium membership has sinced expired and to renew I had to pay the full $10 price.  I probably wont use spotify anymore if this doesn't get fixed within the month since it seems pointless to me to pay more than I'm supposed to for a service that doesn't even work properly.

44 Replies

After receiving the email that I qualify for the student discount and entering the payment using a credit card, my account has not upgrade nor the payment was charge from my card. I have attempted twice using my credit card and once using paypal. But bothing happen

Hi there,
Welcome at the Spotify Community!


Have you already taken a look at your subscription status? (


And when you check your 'invoices', do you see something about the next month,  or something in the invoice of the current month?


Otherwise, you may get in touch with the Spotify Consumer team.

You may get in touch with Spotify via their Twitter page (@SpotifyCares), or by following this link to send an e-mail.
If you send an e-mail, please check your inbox (and spam box) to check for their automatic reply. Once you get it, please reply to it immediatly (even if it's from an no-reply e-mail addres) to make sure an Spotify employee will get back to you as soon as possible.

Note: Other users are experiencing the same issue, I'm escalating this topic right now.

If your case is resolved, please click the 'Accept as Solution' button and add your kudos!

Hey there @bleong13, welcome to the community!


I'm sorry to hear about the inconvenience this issue has caused. Spotify is aware of the issue and and currently looking into it. I'll let them know you are also experiencing it and I will keep you updated in this topic!

If your case is resolved, please click the 'Accept as Solution' button and add your kudos!

a whole month. and still nothing... still doesnt work. this "service" is BS

Hello, I signed up for the free trial. I'm now being charged $10/month and want the student rate. I can't figure out how to change it.


Thanks in advance

Hello! You can sign for the student discount here

There's also a step-by-step guide you can follow, if you'd like.


Let me know if this works 😉

Thank you for your reply. I tried going there and it's only bringing me to the update payment area. I don't see where I can switch my account to student.

Hello again! Did you reach this screen?

Captura de Tela 2014-12-18 às 16.21.36.png

Or this one?


Screen Shot 2014-12-18 at 2.28.25 PM.JPG

it takes me to the screen above

Check if there's an option for the student discount under Payment Settings or Manage Subscription on that screen it takes you to.

If there is, click on it and check if you can sign for the discount from there. 


If there is not, then the best thing to do is contacting support. They can apply the discount for you.
If you receive an automated email directing you to the community and/or help boards, make sure you reply directly to that email (even if it says it is no-reply) and an agent will get back to you as soon as possible.

Usually, issues are solved in up to 48 hours. However, if you don't receive a reply by then, let me know the case number emailed to you 😉

It doesn't say anything about student discount in payment settings or manage subscription.


Thanks so much for your help. I will email them now.

one more question, the link you sent is in spanish. do you know where the english help is?

thanks so much

i found it!

I'm very sorry for the late reply @bleong13! I notified the team that you are still experiencing this issue. Have you tried contacting the payments team through the online contact form? If so, let me know your case number and I'll be happy to escalate it. If not, just stay put and I'll get someone from the team to respond to this topic! 🙂

If your case is resolved, please click the 'Accept as Solution' button and add your kudos!

Hi Merik. Thanks for the reply. I was able to succesfully get verified through the link you provided:


Congratulations! We have successfully confirmed your status.

You may now access the exclusive student pricing at Spotify.

Please click here to be directed back to Spotify to access your offer.


However, when I click the link there to go back to Spotify, it simply takes me back to the regular 9.99 subscription page. At no point do I get to a point where I can choose the student suscription plan after logging in.


My case number is 02191566.



Thank you so much for this information! I'm bumping this topic to the team right now. An agent will contact you as soon as they can! 🙂

If your case is resolved, please click the 'Accept as Solution' button and add your kudos!

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