This is ridiculous! I am not the first to demand a solution but hopefully the last! Please take this seriously and update your app or add features on your web interface, as the way things are now you are pissing off customers who use the offline feature!!!
I have 15G of offline data stored on the SD card of my phone. I have now had to spend hours downloading ALL songs again (four times in 2 weeks) due to a bug with your app. As a paying customer of your service I find this not only inconvenient but your responses to others has been totally rude and off the mark!
I will be prompted, out of the blue, to log back into the app. Even with cache data on my SD card the login will fail. This just happened today by simply restarting my phone. Placing the app in the offline mode is where the problem starts. After the failure (whatever that is) when I attempt to log in I am told I must go "online". There is no way to go online short of reinstalling the app! Let me repeat that - "Absolutely no way to recover from this situation short of reinstalling the app". That would not be a problem (a bother but doable) if I could then re-associate my 15G of downloaded data to the app. But instead the app requires a complete download of all the content which is still stored on my phone!! And then to top things off, the new download does not replace the old, but adds to it! So I have now wasted 15G of my storage because your app is not smart enough to know that the songs are still there! And after experiencing this issue 4 times in 2 weeks, I have 45G of junk on my SD card, 45 G of identical files repeated 3 times, that I have to then manage and delete. My god, how pitiful it that?
I really want to hear that (a) you understand there is a problem and (b) steps will be taken to correct it. Without those assurances I will do what is in my power as a consumer to get help from state and federal agencies. You have treated the complaints by others as "that is the way things work". Well, that is not good enough for me and I will try to apply pressure to your company to get customer satisfaction however I can versus putting up with the "party line" bull **bleep** that has been offered so far! The attachment shows what I think is your solution to this problem. Unfortunately it leaves much to be desired. All 3 entries are the same phone, just trying to use the "offline" mode!!!