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i just notices about 3 days ago that people are logging into my account dating back to feb 24 this year i've done every thing and i mean everything i have been told to do but nothing work they just comeback and add the same playlist 
Places and Times 
Germany 4 times
United Kingdom 2 times
China 1 time
Chile 2 times 
France 3 times
Russia 5 times
Italy 1 time 
United States 12 times in bunches of 3 
Switzerland 1 time 
Netherlands 2 times 

1 Reply

Hi there @217kzmhxtlo7ym3,

thanks for reaching out about this !


I would suggest starting by the protection steps provided here and here.


However, if you've already went through these steps with no avail, i suggest you consider creating a new account to have a fresh start.


You can use this Spotify answer to learn how to transfer all your data safely.


I'll make sure to pass this on to the right factors.

Hope this helps 🙂

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