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payment failed


payment failed

helllo, hope someone can help.


I got an email saying that my payment had failed to come through to spotify and that they would try in the next few days. I use paypal to pay the premium price and today my paypal says that the payment is 'pending' because the merchant has not processed the monies. this is the first time ive ran in this problem since i joined spotify 8 months ago. and furthermore, my paypal is linked to my main bank account so it cant be any issue with any card expiries etc./


hopefulyl someone can help.


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Yes there is! It's best to send as much details as you have to the Support team.


You can get in touch with them by using the online contact form.


If you get an auto reply back directing you to the help pages, just reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the employees will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Cut and paste from another thread I posted on:


So here's what I did to fix my problem. I went to PayPal's site and removed Spotify from my preapproved payments. PayPal's UI kinda sucks, I think I had to click the gear icon in the top right (next to "log out") then scroll down to "preapproved payments." Set any instance(s) of Spotify Premium to INACTIVE. I had THREE instances some how. I changed my payment method from one card to another just before all of this happend. One instance was my old payment method (and it said Dec 2014, which is when I think I changed TO that card I was changing FROM), the other two were new ones that were both pending in my bank as well as PayPal.


Anyway, set ALL to inactive. This basically cancels Spotify's ability to charge you through PayPal. Go back to Spotify's site and redo your payment info. Last time, I just did the payment info update WITHOUT deactivating Paypal first. I think this somehow caused problems. The other Spotifys still show in PayPal, but as INACTIVE. The new one is ACTIVE and Spotify seems to be happy with it. At least, the message you see on the website about your payment failing should go away.


Only problem, I now have THREE Spotify charges pending. I'm hoping two of them disappear. We'll see.




Set Spotify as INACTIVE on PayPal's site. If there are more than one Spotifys on your list, get them all.

Go back to Spotify's site, redo PayPal setup for your payment option.


Worked for me, anyway.

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17 Replies

Hi there and welcome to the community,


If the status is Pending at Paypal then it's best to contact Paypal. You can reach out with them here.

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hi jordi...thanks for the reply. upon contacting paypal they have advised that the payment has already been made from paypal to spotify and that spotify need to capture it. they've provided me with an invoice there a way of contacting spotify?

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Yes there is! It's best to send as much details as you have to the Support team.


You can get in touch with them by using the online contact form.


If you get an auto reply back directing you to the help pages, just reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the employees will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Is this a thing that's happening a lot? Precisely the same thing has happened to me.

Hey @Da5e,

I rarely see these type of issues, but does it matter? You have that issue right now and it needs to be resolved.


Could you try the steps mentioned in my previous posts?

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Sure, I'll notify them of my invoice ID and cross my fingers. Thanks for the response and relentless cheeriness!

I've got the same problem. 
Spotify keeps asking me to update my payment details. Why do I have to do that? Or better, where did my payment details dissapear? They worked for several month before without any problem.


Looking forward to an answer. 



Hey @AGGS,


Does it help when you re-add your payment details?

What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one? | Twitter

Backstage Intro - Meet Jordi!
What's it like to be in a Spotify Office?

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I have the same issue.


And customer service is answering jokes. They need really to do joke program on TV at prime time...


The question number one: How to steal money from people by sending payment renewal error messages with no reason.


And now I have 2 payments to them 😞

Yeah, this is getting a touch silly. The response from customer services effectively says 'oh well. Why not give us your card details?' - the payment HAS gone through, it's sitting in my PayPal pending transactions, and I have no intention of paying twice. Help-me-do?

Exactly the Same Problem here!


Got the Mail from Spotify that i have to update my payment details because the payment failed.

Paypal status is "open" and "authorizing". 

This is getting stupid , theve charged me 3 times and keep tellimng me to update my payment option . please help me

I have the same issue here. The support told me to clear my brower cache and (of course) that does not help. Now I have 4 pending premium payments at once on my Paypal account. 😞

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Cut and paste from another thread I posted on:


So here's what I did to fix my problem. I went to PayPal's site and removed Spotify from my preapproved payments. PayPal's UI kinda sucks, I think I had to click the gear icon in the top right (next to "log out") then scroll down to "preapproved payments." Set any instance(s) of Spotify Premium to INACTIVE. I had THREE instances some how. I changed my payment method from one card to another just before all of this happend. One instance was my old payment method (and it said Dec 2014, which is when I think I changed TO that card I was changing FROM), the other two were new ones that were both pending in my bank as well as PayPal.


Anyway, set ALL to inactive. This basically cancels Spotify's ability to charge you through PayPal. Go back to Spotify's site and redo your payment info. Last time, I just did the payment info update WITHOUT deactivating Paypal first. I think this somehow caused problems. The other Spotifys still show in PayPal, but as INACTIVE. The new one is ACTIVE and Spotify seems to be happy with it. At least, the message you see on the website about your payment failing should go away.


Only problem, I now have THREE Spotify charges pending. I'm hoping two of them disappear. We'll see.




Set Spotify as INACTIVE on PayPal's site. If there are more than one Spotifys on your list, get them all.

Go back to Spotify's site, redo PayPal setup for your payment option.


Worked for me, anyway.

This worked for me. Thanks RebelDogg!

Thank you so much !!! Truly an awesome human being !!!

this was incredibly helpful. i cleaned up my paypal where i had 10 instances active. i'm wondering if the billing ID that the payment request was using was incorrect. although, that shouldn't matter since all instances were active.


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