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New Liked Songs and Saved Albums problem


New Liked Songs and Saved Albums problem







Samsung S8

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My Question or Issue

With the new update to Spotify removing Saved Songs and replacing it with Liked Songs you can no longer have and album saved and songs from that album in your Liked Songs tab, which means I can no longer have an album saved to go back to and also a few songs from that you really like in the Liked Songs to shuffle through.


I'm all for the new changes , but if there is a way a song can both be in a saved album and Liked Songs , it would function a bit better.


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108 Replies

I've noticed this problem as well. It's quite an annoying "feature". 

I don't usually listen to albums whole but random songs here and there. Now if I choose to add a whole album to my Spotify, I can't listen to my most recently added songs because they're not in my library.


Very frustrating, hope someone could help with a workaround 

There is no work around.  


I contacted Spotify care through Twitter. After a ton of “have you tried turning it off and on” bs, they told me it was a feature. 


I explained to them that this feature was absent on desktop and they just shrugged their shoulders. 


Its here to stay unfortunately. 

Hey there @Goodmeme,


Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community!


Your saved songs will now appear in a playlist called Liked Songs, as you mention.


From now on, saving an album won’t automatically save the songs within that album but an entire album that will show up under Your Library > Music > Albums.


However, if you'd like to listen to or save individual songs from an album, you can do so! Just head to an album, tap it and locate the individual song(s) you'd like to save. You can then tap the three dot menu on the right of each song and select Save. This should add the song(s) to your Liked Songs playlist.


There's some additional helpful info regarding this in this Spotify Answer


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That awnser was just terrible and provided incorrect information. 
1) "We recently rolled out a new Your Library experience for the mobile app which is more streamlined and makes it easier to find your saved music."

                      Wrong. This has made it 10000x harder to find any of my music since                           all i can see now from my saved songs is my saved albums. How is                               that  "streamlined"? I can no longer see my saved songs at all. 

2) "Under Playlists, you'll find all the playlists you're following, including radio playlists.

  • Note 1: when you like a song, it will now be saved to your Liked Songs playlist. Here, you will find any individual songs that you have saved from an album, as well as any songs that you have liked in a Made For You playlist."

                        Wrong. The liked playlist shows songs you have liked. It DOES NOT                               show saved songs. For example I have over 2000 songs saved                                     and only 17 in that liked playlist. If i want them in that playlist then i                              would need to go one song at a time and like them. OR put them in a                            new playlist and go one song at a time because the app doesnt let me                          add songs on mass into a playlist. is that streamlined?


I cancelled my sub last week after putting up with this update for a month. But please, do not sit there and give me and everone else false information. 

hi - the ability to add a song from an album to my liked songs playlist only seems to work if that album is not in my library. How do I add songs to my liked playlist if that album is already in my library? I had this ability with Google music and I didn't think I'd lose that ability to do this with Spotify.

Just curious.


If I save an album, it goes into my albums tab.

If I save a song it goes into my songs tab.


Now I can shuffle my songs tab and play them all at once, like a playlist. Now that you've removed my saved albums from the songs tab, I can't do this anymore. I have to literally go into every album and save each song individually to get them into my songs tab so I can play them all at once, playlist style.


Do we not see how terrible of a user experience we've created here?

that’s just a detour to a solution that doesn’t fix the problem

also i don’t even have a like song a playlist available to me

Is this even a real update? If so, no, unfortunately I don't think they do see. The old system of "songs" wasn't broken. It didn't need fixing.

I was sitting here wondering if my account was bugged; "Maybe this is the non-premium UI?", since my account is doing the old "number-string instead of my real name" thing.


If my account is simply bugged, fine. I'd rather deal with that. However, the more searching I do, this seems like a drastic update to the app which replaces "songs" with "liked". Hate to say it, but this seems like a bad mistake.


I still have investigating to do. For example, some of my friends still have the "songs" section. However, searching through these forums, and interacting with the company in general so far feels like wading through mud. Haven't gotten anywhere.

Clicking on every song individually is so pointless. I have to waste more time clicking everything instead of hitting the save button. I realize that some people just want to save the album and not all the songs in their library, however, I think it would be better if you guys could provide 2 options (save every song or just save the album) instead of forcing both types of users to comply to 1 or the other option. 

Hi everyone

Not sure if this has been resolved yet but I have just stumbled across something which makes it easier to save an album to your ‘Liked Songs’ playlist. 

In the top right hand corner when viewing and album there are 3 dots to bring up a menu. The top option is to like the album. A little further down is an option to ‘like all songs’ which seems to add them to the liked songs playlist. 

Hope this helps a few people out 👍

Thanks! I didn't notice before. 

That didn't quite work for me on Android. Going to an album up clicking on the "..." button to pull up the menu dosn't provide any option to like all the songs.


BUT, if you see a list of albums, like under an artists's page, then to the right of an album's entry, there's another "..." button, and then menu there DOES let you like all the songs at once.


On the desktop, there's no option I can find anywhere to like all the songs on an album. You can add it to your library, though, which is not really a library anymore, especially in the app.


@Katerina Does this sound reasonable to you? I understand that you're not in charge of making these design decisions, and are simply doing your best to help when people have trouble using the app, but the reason we're having trouble is that the design is an absolute mess. Can you pass that along to someone who can do something about it?

So as others have stated I now have the option to add all the tracks from an album into my liked songs, as well as having the album in my albums section. But this is infuriating!!!!!


The desktop app used to do both if you clicked the save button, now I have to remember to do it manually.


This is the dumbest feature, it makes no sense in that I no longer have somewhere to shuffle all my music or see, in order, all the stuff I've added recently.


Very upset!

This is brutal! I'll forget about the album if this is what I have to do. I live in my "Songs" (now Liked Songs) library. No workaround at all?

I really don't like this new 'feature'. All my downloaded songs is under my liked songs. Sometimes I download albums just to listen and then like some of the songs. I don't want the whole album I downloaded under my liked songs. Don't get this at all. I started trying to fix it, I literally don't have the time to go remove 'like' from every song I don't want after this

Yes, I recently noticed this as well and replied to another post with this information. Now they should let us multi-select several songs (either from an album, playlist, or artist page) to be able to save or add to a playlist. Currently it looks like you can save ALL songs on an album as you described OR have to save each song one by one.

@GrawlixL, yes, it seems only the 3-dot menu in list view, not the album view. Album view seems like the more logical place. Actually, it should have been in both places.


I'm still getting use to this update, but I don't hate it like a lot of folks here do. I don't love it either. My bigest complaint is they need to add in more flexibility and batch processing.

I'm actually so confused, I need a tutorial! LOL

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