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[PSA] Samsung users please read!


[PSA] Samsung users please read!


If you are using a Samsung device which has been updated (or running) Android 6.x Marshmallow it appears that they have introduced an agressive power saving option which is closing Spotify or stopping it accessing data when the application is sent to the background or the screen display turned off. The following are common symptoms caused by this:




  • Next song in an album/playlist is not played
  • Lock Screen control vanishing
  • Spotify notification disappears
  • Tracks marked for offline listening fail to download
  • Notifications for new followers, albums etc have not been coming up




If you are using a Samsung device and experiencing any of these symptoms please disable the Power Saver settings as follows: 


Settings > Battery > Power Saving Mode> In the Power Saving Mode settings disable the "Restrict background data" setting

Kudos to @Cerda45 for the tip here


If it's still not working after doing the above then disable Power Saving Mode entirely:

Settings > Battery > Power Saving Mode

Settings > Battery > Detail > Spotify >Turned off



Further Info:

I believe Samsung are aware of the issues this is causing - not only to Spotify - and we can hope they improve the power saving feature in the next software update which is hinted at being sometime around June.



Still having the issue? This could be the Android 'Doze' feature taking effect. Read the section "Tracks stop playing when screen turned off or the Spotify application is in the background" in the [COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues


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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History
89 Replies

I have a Galaxy S7, can't get this to work. How did you get your songs to download? Please share with me how you set everything up. I travel extensively and need my playlist to play.

They should automatically dl if you're hooked up to wifi

Make sure you're not in offline mode it will be under settings. And make sure you have make available off line checked, and the next time you are on line it will DL your play list  in the back ground. Also you will need to be a premium member to dl your playlist. 

Yes, it worked! Now, when on an airplane,  do I switch to Airplane Mode and Offline? Keep wi-fi on?

Thanks so much!

See I never have had to use the offline mode while in Airplane mode. Offline mode just means that when you are away from your wifi it won't eat up your data plan. Once your list are downloaded they are like any other playlist on your phone and will still play with out a Internet connection. I also have Spotify set that it can only draw back ground info while on wifi. And I turn my mobile data off all the time and it runs like a champ ..

Wow. Trying to absorb. I don't see an Offline mode under settings. This is
different than "Available Offline" in Spotify. So I'll keep looking.

Good afternoon.
Use Galaxy S6, the volume of songs in Spotify is not stable.
Lowers and raises automatically on.
Help me and give me solution.
Thank you.

Having the same issue on my S6 Active. I'm glad i'm not the only one. I have tried turning my phone on and off, uninstalling- reinstalling,but nothing is fixing it. I even thought it may be Samsung trying to big brother me from having my volume too loud. but it it does it with out turning the volume into the red.. So it has to be 

If you have the problem of offline music deleting itself from your SD card when the phone is turned off for an extended period of time or the battery is changed than I believe I have the solution (after a lot of a messing around and redownloading my entire library multiple times).  On top of disabling the power saving option as mentioned in the root 


Settings -> Battery -> click the drop down menu in the upper right -> Optimize Battery Usage


from here click the Apps not optimized dropdown menu and select All Apps


Scroll down to the Spotify and change the selection from On to Off


This has solved the issue for me on my Samsung Galaxy S5. Hopefully it will do the same for everyone else on their Samsung phones/tablets! 

Same for me. This was an issue last week when I used battery saving, but since then I have disabled all power saving and everything as described here, and the problem is still there...

Spotify plays a short tune (30 sec) and says you have option to watch ad for 30 min ad free music; What is the song playing the background??? Please help begging here

This was bothering me because I was on vacation so I thought I would turn on power saving mode to help with battery and it stopped after every song. It now works great again.

Brilliant- all solved on my android edge 6+ . All  colour has come back to life....been driving me crazy...

Finally something that worked! Thanks so much for this tip, as I have been struggling with this for months, but after applying this power save disable workaround I think the issue is now resolved for me 🙂

Still having problems with lock screen activating, nothing fixes this - Spotify, Android and Samsung don't want to know!!!

This was so helpful! Thank you so much!!

 I use on Android 5.0.2 After last update on spotify got that issue. 
So is a problem from spotify ... 

On a Galaxy S7, Android build 6.0.1 with all the latest updates, Spotify version armV7 (latest build).


My issues still are:

- Random stop of playback several times a day

- No lockscreen control or lockscreen album art


Did the re-install, clear cache, battery savings off, reboot. But none of these did the trick.


Spotify should take more serious care of their customers, especially their Premium customers who keep them in business. 

So did you actually read the first post in this thread which explains how to resolve your first issue @FriekoRieko? As for your second issue, you need to go into android settings>notifications>advanced>spotify and set the options there to suit you.


Since android 6, app developers have greatly restricted access to app permissions and they certainly can't access the phone's power settings.

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