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spotify doesn`t save to sd card


spotify doesn`t save to sd card



on my WIko Wax spotify is unable to save offline music to the sd card. Although the internal disk is full and there is plenty of space on the sd card spotify just says "disk is full". I also emtied the catch and deleted all data...doesn't help.


Thank you for your ideas!


Accepted Solutions
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Sorry, let's try a fully clean reinstallation.


- Go to System Settings

- Go to "Apps" 

- Find Spotify there

- On Spotify's page, first, tap "Force Close"

- Then tap "Clear cache" if it's not greyed out.

- Then tap "Unninstall" and remove the app.

- After uninnstalling, power off your device.

- If you can, remove the battery now. Power back on.

- Using a file manager on your phone or with your USB cable and your computer, go to Internal Storage > Android > Data and delete a folder called

- Reinstall Spotify from Google Play


If you do these steps correctly, you'll do a clean reinstallation of the app, with no piece of data to tell Spotify to save data to your internal storage.


Edit: corrected typos

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@Romantic626 wrote:

After I uninstall and turn off my phone and turn it back on, the files are no longer there, and when I try to download the music again it once again downloads to my internal sd card instead of my mounnted external sd card which has over 59.64 GB available. Did I do something wrong? I followed your instructions to the best of my ability.

Please read the guide linked below for details on getting a completely clean install of the Spotify app. This should be the first step and can help resolve issues such as:

- Black screen on startup
- Offline data not storing on SD card
- Random crashes or FC's
- Track degradation or skipping
- Playlists and tracks no longer available

[GUIDE] First step of troubleshooting - Clean Install

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

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@YpK wrote:

Hi everyone,


I have now spent most of the day looking for a solution to get Spotify's offline files (Storage folder) on the SD card.

After running through many many threads here (even back to 2012) but no luck.


Running Android 4.4.4 which is the latest update of my Moto G (4G version). I also have a 64GB Micro SD.

I've tried many things today:

- Quit app, clear cache via android, clear app data via android, uninstall, (reboot sometimes), reinstall latest spotify version from the store

- Formatted MicroSD, resetted the Spotify app again

- Doing the same clear cache / data via Spotify app


But yet, Spotify still uses the internal memory to store everything. It creates a data folder on the sd card but it remains empty.


The Storage folder is only being populated on the internal memory.


My internal memory is on /storage/sdcard0

SD Card is mounted on /storage/sdcard1


I got the phone today, brand new, no customisation or dodgy apps.


Now if anyone has any tips, I'd love him for that 🙂

An old trick which may still work:


1. Clear the app cache

2. Log in

3. Change download quality to 'Extreme'

4. Mark something as 'Offline'

5. See if the SD Cache has some data

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

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Spotify Android Version History

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What makes you say its not saving to the SD? sometime's the system doesn't correctly show that the cache is properly on the SD card. Can you check to see if the folder Android/data/ on the SD card has data/folders in? if it does then it's correctly using the SD card.

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

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Spotify Android Version History

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I can confirm the the trick below still works with Spotify 3.5 on Android 5.0 Lollipop.

There really should be a pref there you can chose the location of the installation of files and downloads. As it is the app will be install them on the phone internally if it's fresh install but on sd if it has begun to fill up...

@Rodrigo wrote:

Sorry, let's try a fully clean reinstallation.


- Go to System Settings

- Go to "Apps" 

- Find Spotify there

- On Spotify's page, first, tap "Force Close"

- Then tap "Clear cache" if it's not greyed out.

- Then tap "Unninstall" and remove the app.

- After uninnstalling, power off your device.

- If you can, remove the battery now. Power back on.

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For anybody still having this issue, I found a simple solution. Has worked for me every time now.


1) Follow the other procedure(s) to delete Spotify data from the phone and SD card. Very simple.


2) Fill up the phone's internal memory to about 95% full. I used audio tracks, but video would be even easier. 

***This step is 100% necessary on my phone. I've tested it with a newly formatted phone and SD card 3 times now.


3) Install Spotify. Download songs. Finally, it works.

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Torrented mp3 i can put wherever. I guess I will be going back to that.

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Hey guys!




Finally found a fix for HTC One M8 users. Could also be applied to others on Android 6.0 too.

Firstly, I am not a beta tester, I have the usual Google Play version.


1. Open your existing Spotify app and go to Settings >> press "Delete cache and saved data"

2. Uninstall App

3. Reinstall from Google Play (note the app description will say about fix for offline music on 6.0)




4. Go to device settings >> 'Apps' >> 'Spotify' >> press 'Permissions' >> select 'Storage' (This allows app to read & write to external SD)

5. Go back until you see "Storage" -- note it doesn't look accessible but it is. Go into 'Storage' and press 'Change' 

6. Select your external SD

7. Open Spotify and download as usual (I set extreme quality to streaming and download quality if anyone cares to follow exactly)


Happy offline external SD listening! 😉


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Hey everyone, 


Like many have already mentioned, with the roll out of 4.8.0, you can now select where to save your music: Go to Settings > Other > Storage and select where you want Spotify to store all your music. This option will be hidden if no SD Card is available or the SD Card is not accessible. You can find more info about these steps here


Thanks for all your feedback on this! 

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All you have to do is open Spotify go to settings go all the way to the bottom and it gives you the option of where to save the music

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How could i know if the sd card is not available or accessible? It works with other apps, and was working well until i updated to Android 6.0. Now it is adopted storage, which is suppossed to be good news, but there's no way i can make it work for spotify. I'm running v.

Thank you

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Hi @maurobologna

Adoptable storage is good for some use cases, however by converting the storage to internal it blocks applications from being able to use it for data. It also will affect the life of your sd card.

I'd recommend reading up more about the new adoptable storage and whether this is something that you want. If you want your sd card to act as removable storage then you'll need to convert it back.

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

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Spotify Android Version History

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The only solution I've found is the following steps:

  1. Format SD card as portable storage.
  2. Log out of Spotify
  3. Delete all Spotify data from Settings
  4. Uninstall Spotify
  5. Reinstall Spotify
  6. **Give Spotify Storage permission in the settings before opening the app**
  7. Storage option appears in Spotify settings

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Tried everything above and didin't work.

What did really work was format SD card as "portable storage". Once I did it, Spotify automatically showed the "Storage" option in settings. No need to reinstall or delete anything.

Good luck!

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THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! After trying all of the other possible options, thanks to this I realised what was wrong at last 🙂 I guess once the SD card was adopted as internal memory Spotify couldn't tell the difference, and when I changed it to portable the option finally appeared in the app itself. Thank you thank you! 

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I only found a folder that is called and other that is called spotifycache, which one should I delete?

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This, this fixed for me

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297 Replies

I have the exact same problem.  Really hoping to find the answer.  I got a 32GB SD card just for this but Spotify won't save to it.  Anyone know how to get Spotify to save onto the SD card?

Hello! Welcome to the Community!


Spotify selects the best place to save the data, based on free space, during installation. Try to delete and then reinstall the app from Google Play. It should automatically start saving to the SD Card after that.


Let me know if this solves the problem 😉

Hi Rod, 


Thanks so much for your advice.  I uninstalled and reinstalled the app but am running into the same problem.  It reloaded the music back onto the phone's storage without touching the SD card.  Now, once again, there is no room left on the phone, lots left on the SD card, and Spotify won't save any more music.  Specifically, it says




Offline syncing has stopped as there's no space left on this devic."


Very frustrating.  True, there's no space on the device, but there are 29.55GB available on the SD card that Spotify refuses to tap into.  


Hope you can help.  Thanks again

Marked as solution

Sorry, let's try a fully clean reinstallation.


- Go to System Settings

- Go to "Apps" 

- Find Spotify there

- On Spotify's page, first, tap "Force Close"

- Then tap "Clear cache" if it's not greyed out.

- Then tap "Unninstall" and remove the app.

- After uninnstalling, power off your device.

- If you can, remove the battery now. Power back on.

- Using a file manager on your phone or with your USB cable and your computer, go to Internal Storage > Android > Data and delete a folder called

- Reinstall Spotify from Google Play


If you do these steps correctly, you'll do a clean reinstallation of the app, with no piece of data to tell Spotify to save data to your internal storage.


Edit: corrected typos

Yes!!! It worked this time!! Thank you so much 😃  I feel indebted 


I discovered, as you said, that the spotify foler was saved in the phone's storage (with a slightly different name:  Though my battery is not removable, after deleting spotify powering off and on and reinstalling, Spotify reinstalled to the SD card and is now loading all music there.  (!!!)


I also noticed something in the app manager:  There is a function on most apps' page to either "move to SD card" or "move to phone storage."  I wonder if pushing that button alone would have solved the problem.  


Thanks again



For Android Users: To get Spotify to save music onto your SD card:::
- Settings

- Applications 

- Spotify App

- Move to SD card


If this doesn't work, follow the steps above provided by Rodluizpant for a fully clean reinstalllation.  

I'm happy we solved your problem! Enjoy the music 🙂


I believe pushing that button wouldn't solve it since it's designed to only transfer the installation files of the app to the desired location. It doesn't change the actual setting of the app.

Holy crap, FINALLY a solution that works.. Good to know that the app was coded to only check storage space on install.. That finally did it for me 😄 Thanks!

After I uninstall and turn off my phone and turn it back on, the files are no longer there, and when I try to download the music again it once again downloads to my internal sd card instead of my mounnted external sd card which has over 59.64 GB available. Did I do something wrong? I followed your instructions to the best of my ability.

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@Romantic626 wrote:

After I uninstall and turn off my phone and turn it back on, the files are no longer there, and when I try to download the music again it once again downloads to my internal sd card instead of my mounnted external sd card which has over 59.64 GB available. Did I do something wrong? I followed your instructions to the best of my ability.

Please read the guide linked below for details on getting a completely clean install of the Spotify app. This should be the first step and can help resolve issues such as:

- Black screen on startup
- Offline data not storing on SD card
- Random crashes or FC's
- Track degradation or skipping
- Playlists and tracks no longer available

[GUIDE] First step of troubleshooting - Clean Install

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
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Spotify Android Version History

I have exactly the same problem. The solution proposed does not work though. 

Clean install on Moto G 2014



* Fixed. For some kind of reason the files didn't some in explorer. Downloaded es file manager and the cache showed up.

I also have a moto g and I am having issues finding the files. I have tried a number of explorers but still nothing??

Additionally, I have tried going through the steps without deleting the files (because I'm having a problem finding them) on the manager and my playlists still save to the internal memory.

What am I don't wrong?

Hi Guys,


I found the solution for this issue. Spotify only does the check of which has the most space (phone or SD memory) when the app gets installed.


So the solution is to remove the app, ensure your SD card has more free space (needs to be a significant difference, not sure how much), then install spotify. It should then download your music to your SD card.

thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!


finally i have found a simple solution to a really annoying problem!


@Rodluizpant - you are a superstar and i wish you the merriest of merry christmasses, you have made mine come early! ;o)

Well, 4 months after I tried installing Spotify on a very clean rom, but I have a simple question.


Do I need to change the download's quality to extreme? Or can I use normal?



Normal should be fine now, I think this was a legacy work-around

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
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Spotify Android Version History

hi there


I have found a soluition that is pretty simple. 

It's actually on the spotify site under help.


Follow the instructions below.    i checked my 64gb SD card and the spotify folderis on there.


Switch storage of Spotify files from internal memory to my SD card (Android phone)

If you want Android to stop putting Spotify files (e.g. downloads for offline enabled music) in your internal memory and on your SD card instead:
  1. Make sure your SD card has at least 1GB free space and has more free space than your Android's internal cache would have if empty.
  2. Empty your internal cache. To do this:
    1. Tap Settings in the Spotify app.
      User-added image
    2. Scroll down and select Delete cache and saved data. Please note this will require you to re-sync your offline playlists.
      User-added image
    3. Tap OK. You'll be asked to confirm; click OK.
      User-added image

Now any offline playlists you sync will save to your SD card!

If you're having problems syncing, check the suggestions here.

Hi everyone,


I have now spent most of the day looking for a solution to get Spotify's offline files (Storage folder) on the SD card.

After running through many many threads here (even back to 2012) but no luck.


Running Android 4.4.4 which is the latest update of my Moto G (4G version). I also have a 64GB Micro SD.

I've tried many things today:

- Quit app, clear cache via android, clear app data via android, uninstall, (reboot sometimes), reinstall latest spotify version from the store

- Formatted MicroSD, resetted the Spotify app again

- Doing the same clear cache / data via Spotify app


But yet, Spotify still uses the internal memory to store everything. It creates a data folder on the sd card but it remains empty.


The Storage folder is only being populated on the internal memory.


My internal memory is on /storage/sdcard0

SD Card is mounted on /storage/sdcard1


I got the phone today, brand new, no customisation or dodgy apps.


Now if anyone has any tips, I'd love him for that 🙂

Marked as solution

@YpK wrote:

Hi everyone,


I have now spent most of the day looking for a solution to get Spotify's offline files (Storage folder) on the SD card.

After running through many many threads here (even back to 2012) but no luck.


Running Android 4.4.4 which is the latest update of my Moto G (4G version). I also have a 64GB Micro SD.

I've tried many things today:

- Quit app, clear cache via android, clear app data via android, uninstall, (reboot sometimes), reinstall latest spotify version from the store

- Formatted MicroSD, resetted the Spotify app again

- Doing the same clear cache / data via Spotify app


But yet, Spotify still uses the internal memory to store everything. It creates a data folder on the sd card but it remains empty.


The Storage folder is only being populated on the internal memory.


My internal memory is on /storage/sdcard0

SD Card is mounted on /storage/sdcard1


I got the phone today, brand new, no customisation or dodgy apps.


Now if anyone has any tips, I'd love him for that 🙂

An old trick which may still work:


1. Clear the app cache

2. Log in

3. Change download quality to 'Extreme'

4. Mark something as 'Offline'

5. See if the SD Cache has some data

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

Thanks a lot Daniel! The folder on the sdcard is now being used 🙂

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