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Artist/Recently played

Artist/Recently played






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My Question or Issue

Hello, I have been a premium Spotify user for a little over 5 years and I never really had a problem with the platform until these last couple of months. Whenever I click "artists" I get nothing that comes up. Before this update, I would either click "recently played" or "artists" and it would show me the most recent songs I was playing for that artist. Now it seems I have to follow the artist in order for them to show up under the artist tab. Even if I were to follow the artist, I can click on the artist name and it takes me to their page with all of their music rather than the songs I liked. All of my liked songs are now in a playlist and I do not even have the option to fast scroll through the playlist alphabetically.  Not sure why this change was implemented but this makes it extremely difficult to maneuver through the platform. Been reading a lot of posts lately and it seems like a big part of the community is not a fan of this update. Does not seem like Spotify wants to acknowledge why this update was implemented or if there will be any changes to make guiding through the platform a little more convenient.

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1 Reply

Hello @Skyos

Thank you for reaching out here in the Community!

As you've noticed, in order for an artist to appear in the Artist tab in Your Library, you need to select FOLLOW at the top of their artist profile. 


If it comes to the liked songs page after clicking on the artist's name, there's an ongoing issue created and the right team is currently investigating this.

If that's something you're experiencing, make sure to add your +VOTE there and subscribe to the topic. That way you'll be notified with all the future updates on that case. 


For now, I can suggest that you go to your Liked Songs and use the Filter option to search for the artist you want to listen to. It will display all the songs you've liked by a specific artist. 


If you you'd like to see a certain feature (new or old) on Spotify, you're always welcome to submit an idea. For more details on how to do it, make sure to check out this Spotify Answer


I hope you'll find this info helpful!

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