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Give us your feedback - 0.9.0


Give us your feedback - 0.9.0

Hey everyone,


Following on from our previous thread on 0.8.8, we've started up this thread to gather feedback from you on 0.9.0.


We want to hear what you love, what you hate, and any other emotions you have towards the app.


You'll find a list of everything that's changed in the app in our release notes hereAnd we'll be keeping this post updated with the changes we're making, along with where you can give us further feedback.


What we've changed:

1. The app should be a lot quicker now. So if you were affected by any slow behaviour previously, this shouldn't be an issue any more.

2. Clicking anywhere in the Now Playing box, rather than just the album art, will bring you straight to the song. This was reported here.


Where you can give us further feedback with your comments and kudos:

1. Change the white interface [we're currently reaching to users about this directly]

2. Changes to the activity feed -

     i. Bring back the old activity feed

     ii. The Favourites feature

     iii.Greater control of content in the feed: 

3. Bring back the total playlst length:

4. Filter option on artist pages

5. Go back to the old artist layout 

6. Ability to view all Facebook friends in the Follow tab:

7. View all playlist followers

8. Block/Remove followers 

9. Separate artists and friends

10. Remove 'who to follow'

11. Revert the font back to the original size (or provide an option to do so)

12. Restore 'View as Album List'


Thanks for all your support. We appreciate that there are a lot of changes going on at the moment and it can be a bumpy road at times. But we're confident that you'll like where we're going.


All your opinions matter and go into making Spotify the best product it can be. Keep it coming!


Check out our Twitter for the latest updates on any service issues: @Spotifystatus

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920 Replies

I agree WTF I do not want your forced update what kind of bull**bleep** crap is this?

I wish Spotify would realise that a huge chuck of those displeased with the service as it is with all the recent updates are thePAYING customers. It's getting obvious Spotify doesn't care about what their customers have to say but I think they'll realise it when it's too late as alot of similar services are coming soon (or already out there) and most of the paying customers will have no problem leaving this new crap version of spotify for another service that seems to actually give a **bleep** about the customers who pay for the service have to say...

So now they've worked out how to beat our little text-file workaround, good to see the devs have been spending their time wisely.


However much programming/hacking effort went into that bit of work, it could have been spent more wisely fixing the goddamn bugs and flaws in this POS update. Then maybe we would have chosen to upgrade ourselves.


Another low that Spotify have sunk to.


(edit: its my birthday today aswell, thank you Spotify for ruining it)

Smash Up The Dancefloor (Drum & Bass)
Fluid Mechanics (Chilled)

[bad language - please check the guidelines - mod] Spotify

GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 YOU [edit - bad language - mod]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How's that for "feedback" ?

Trying the update. Waiting to see if it starts skipping and killing my CPU again. Two weeks before Spotify is due to autorenew, so if they plan to stop me from using the old software, they have that long to make me not mind before I'm out. Not an idle threat, sadly.

Ok, it works much faster, I don't really care about the look, but why can't you bring back the total playlist time? Is it that hard? Really, I need that, very often I have for example 40 minutes to listen to something and I need to know which playlist I can listen to.
Oh and please, please, PLEASE add an option to switch off those pointless updates. I have to look for some strange way to turn them off which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.
I really don't understand how PAYING users can be ignored for so long. Hundreds of people have been asking you to bring back the full playlist lenght for almost 6 months now! I really love the whole idea behind Spotify, but if you'll keep ignoring users needs like that, I really don't see why I should pay you instead of finding some other way to listen to music. And there is at least a couple of other ways to choose from.

I can't even open it! My mac operating system is 10.5.8. Why have you made software that is not compatable with many users computers!? makes no sense, now you have thousands of paying customers who can't even use your software! been like this for too long now! sort it out.

Marked as solution

copy/paste from artist pages still doesn't work

still no year on albums

still no ctrl-f filter on artist and album-pages


this update (downgrade) didn't bring anything useful to me, that I had in 0.8.5


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GIVE ME BACK 0.8.5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At this point I just want to know what the hell they are thinking, how the process works over there. Are they having some sort of Moonshine-Brainstorming? Or is it really just an insignificant minority that is complaining? Are they hoping to cusion the loss of all the old users with new ones that don't know Spotify pre 0.8.8.? 

Perfect, Spotify. Just perfect!
I was happily using version 0.8.5, ignoring the problems with the current versions and waiting for a stable one before I manually wanted to update. I have liked Spotify since the beginning and desperately wanted it to get back on track again, but now you forced me to update before that happened. Congratulations! Now your numbers and data will show that everyone 'wants' to use your latest version and everyone should be happy. Right? 'sigh'

Ps. I desperately hope that there is another workaround available to get back to 0.8.5. Ds.

Well at least, now all the previously quiet (and happy) 0.8.5-users are back in the thread... Not that it gets read anyway. I think it's safe to say that Spotify consider this thread the "litterbox".




I've been running 085 fix for some weeks now, the design, the functions etc. makes me feel alright.



I just started Spotify and the HORRIBLE IS BACK (090)!  





I will try to fix it, if I can't I'm no longer a customer! 


Actually, I see this as a kind of wakeup call. I've been premium user for over a year now. In this time, I have bought far less CDs than I would have otherwise. But now I am at a crossroads. See, if I leave Spotify, I will basically lose all the tracks and especially all the playlists I have discovered and made in these 15 months. Now far be it from me to announce the coming downfall of Spotify but it won't be around forever, that much is certain. What will happen... maybe 5 years down the line... when their stupidity finally breaks the camels back and the whole shebang goes titsup? All the collecting and playlist making will be for naught.


So, I suggest we better cut our losses and go back to the way things were. To Winamp or iTunes or whatever you prefer, besides streaming music. It was nice while it lasted but in the long term, having your library and playlists locally is just the better idea. 

Here's an idea: Fire whoever did this!


Smash Up The Dancefloor (Drum & Bass)
Fluid Mechanics (Chilled)

Admittedly, this new automatic upgrade starts-up a lot faster than the previous build. Still hangs a little, but not a lot.


That's all I was asking for, thanks. But if you can bring back how it used to be (fast start-up) then that'd be great.


EDIT: It seems that if you post on one of their Facebook posts about this new upgrade, they will respond! Guess they don't like seeing it posted on a social networking site for all to see! I had an email from them:


Hi Tylky,

We saw your message on Facebook and would love to help any way we can. Hopefully we can resolve this issue for you.

To help us answer your question, we need to ask you for the following additional information. Please could you tell us: 

- Your platform and operating system (Mac, Windows, iPhone etc.) 
- How long you've had this issue 

We have very recently released an updated version of Spotify. If you could please perform a full reinstall (making sure to remove the folders from Library if you're on a Mac) and let us know how you get on, we'd appreciate it:!/article/reinstallation-of-spotify

This is the best first step. We'll bring the music back with your help! Please keep us posted.

Best Regards


Spotify Customer Service
Cambridge, UK

An other update = an other useless update 🙂 Ahaha, thx devs !


(Sorry for this useless post, I don't find an other way to unsubscribe to this topic...)

I doubt very likely anyone can go back. When I was forced to update from the 8.5 version, I had with the work arounds to stop the auto updates. The spotify services forced me offline while the app auto updated. I do truly think anyone using a version prior to 9.0 will be block from the servie until auto updates. The glory days are behind us sadly I believe.


As an aside if they would be so nice as to bring back the View As an Album list, so that the album artwork is back within the playlists, I guess I could live with this ugly monster that it currently is.

v0.8.5 works fine again with the old trick. They probably disabled the forced update.

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