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Podcast plays in reverse order

Podcast plays in reverse order







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Windows 10


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There are already a lot of threads about this. But this bug is still not fixed yet. 

Podcasts always play in reverse order. (new to old)

But i want to hear them from old to new.


I can change the display order. I can also filter out the episodes i already heard. But this doesn't change anything. It still plays in reverse order, and also filtered episodes.


I already reinstalled Spotify twice. It didn't help. 

Please fix this.

90 Replies

My god!  YEARS to fix a sort order issue?  Come ON....

this is awful, I still see this problem and it's soooooooo annoying jjeeeeeeeesus

This is still an issue and it drives me insane! Come on, Spotify, just fix it! 

Look harder.  It's July 2023 and it's still an obvious and damning issue.

Obviously not passing it to the right people.  Do better.

Look harder or look for a new job.

Finally! Someone competent replying to this thread 

Podcasts are unusable because of that so simple to solve problem...

This is happening to the Podcast that I'm currently listening to. No matter what I select, instead of going to the next episode in order, it goes backwards.

This is still an issue on iOS, and the linked thread posted by the mods erroneously marks the issue as fixed. It is not.


How is this still an issue YEARS later?? And why the heck is the other thread resolved when every comment is still complaining about it?

THIS ISSUE HAS NOT BEEN FIXED. It's infuriating. How in the world is it taking this long?

Dear Spotify, this is still an issue in October 2023! Please get it fixed.


Here is a user story to get you started:

> As a Spotify User who listens to podcasts (episodic stories) rather than music, the user experience is frustrating. Episodes play in reverse chronological order (E2 plays before E1).


An example podcast is Slow Burn. For example, play Episode S5 E2. Patiently sit and listen until the end. Notice that Spotify automatically plays S5 E1 next. Human beings listen to episodes in chronological order NOT in reverse chronological order. This is similar to a TV show, where you watch or listen to episodes in the order they were aired.


Note that having an episode marked "played" also does not help this behavior.

Yup, recently moved my pocasts over to Spotify as Google podcasts is shutting down and realised quite quickly that my podcast episodes were being playing in reverse chronological order with the most recently added to the queue playing first instead of the oldest un-played download. There's no option to re-sort that queue which makes Spotify functionally useless as a podcast app for me. 

I wonder, do NO spotify developers listen to podcasts?  Who would ever listen to podcasts in reverse order and think that's good?

Why is this not fixed!!!! This is still happening!

This is pathetic. it has been well over a year and it seems that absolutely nothing has been done. There is no way that it could take this long to fix such a simple issue. I might switch to youtube if this isnt resolved soon. Sure sucks for my absolutely massive library of saved music and podcasts, but seeing as this is making it impossible to listen to podcasts without having to babysit the app, as well as how awful "shuffle" works with music, spotify just really doesnt seem worth it.

Podcasts were playing in the correct order for me for a long while, but as of a couple days ago, they've started playing in reverse.  Coincidentally, I think it started the same day I hard-rebooted by phone...hmm.  Maybe I should do another reboot...

Huh...that seems to have worked.

This in on a Samsung Android phone in case that matters to the thread.

"Correct order" and "reverse" are imprecise terms. The thread is about the fact that the Spotify app plays podcasts from the Your Episodes queue in order from newest to oldest, when most of the world wants to listen to them in order from oldest to newest.  (except, of course, Spotify developers....)

Are you SURE that yours play back oldest to newest now?  It's unlikely the app would exhibit different behavior like that.

Please make sure you're testing properly.  You need a number of different podcasts, several episodes per podcast, in "Your Episodes".

When I finish a podcast, Spotify automatically plays the next podcast in the list, even if it is one I've already listened to. How can I get Spotify to skip over already played podcasts?

I don't want to build a queue which I would then need to undo when I want to switch over to music. I just want to play podcasts in sequence (either that I've downloaded in 'my episodes', or where I've gone into a particular podcast and I just want to play one episode to the next).

Need this be so hard?

A year plus later and still no resolution?

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