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[Ads] Ads Filter

I know we can't pick and choose what ads to see, but at least for a teensy bit of decency (especially for people listening to spotify in a professional work environment) can we not have half naked Victoria's Secret super sexy models?


Personally, I could care less about ads. And in fact, I am a woman who shops at Victoria's Secret. Still- I just had an awkward moment with some coworkers AND my boss. I'd like very much for that not to happen again. In the very least, how about an image that isn't half the size of the window? 


I know no one's going to agree, and believe me, I'd be the last person to complain about spotify (it's awesome). But seriously, it's a bit much.



Updated on 2020-12-07

Hi everyone,


Thank you for adding your votes and comments to this idea, we appreciate your patience.

We're just checking in, to confirm we're keeping this set to 'good idea'.


We are working on making ads more personalized, to create better experiences for our users.

Rest assured we're continuing to bring your feedback to the right teams here too.



I've just had an 18 Certificate ad on my Spotify for Resident Evil. As other commenters have said, I love Spotify and totally understand the need for advertising. However, how about using the traditional 9 o'clock watershed to control suitability of viewing, or a parental lock like on the BBC iPlayer? Even when not at work or in a room without children, I don't really want to see nasty aggressive stuff either. 🙂


Hi spotify, i dont mind the VS adds but please PLEASE remove the horror adds. They give me the creeps in broad daylight and at night time make me contemplate service cancellation. Thanks! 


Agreed! I was listening at work and an ad for Astrglide popped up on my screen. I didn;t notice until a coworker saw it. They had a good sense of humor about it, but it is still rather embarrassing. Also, I am getting really sick of the Fifty Shades ad, as it triggers me. All I want is to be able to slect a "Do not show this" button or something. 


It really bothers me knowing how y'all display your advertisements. Some (actually the majority) of them are inappropriate and undoubtedly shouldn't be shown to kids. I suggest that y'all should filter them and also filter out the porn images that appear in albums and other places. Of course, those who don't mind seeing those have the right to view them, but I believe that younger kids and teens shouldn't be exposed to all those immoral pictures. Maybe y'all could give a short survey to get to know exactly what the listener would like to see or hear. Otherwise, I suggest that y'all take out the disgusting pictures and ads that show nude images and impurities.


I completely agree. To the people at Spotify: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DROP THE ASTROGLIDE ADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I listen at work, and I always have to keep my cursor on the minimize button during the ads in fear that a giant Astroglide ad might pop up on my screen. I work in a colaborative environment, and everyone can see everything on my screen, including my supervisor. I don't want to get fired because of an extremely inappropriate ad. 


Why is there still horror ads on my Spotify? I do not want to listen to ads for "Rings," and I wish to listen to another ad in place of it. I don't mind ads, but some of them go way overboard and are inappropriate


This is a major concern for me as well; I'm a 16 year old, and I think the amount of sketchy ads is not good. There are numerous ads, especially ones for music playists on Spotify that include content not acceptable for someone like me, much less people like my 12-year-old sister who also uses Spotify free. This morning I was listening, and there were ads with swearing, an advertisement for a song called **bleep** for Breakfast which I don't want to listen to, and an ad for a playlist which had a picture of a mostly naked person. These sorts of ads seem to be increasing in number, and I don't think improvements to ad targeting are effective. There needs to be a way to turn off mature ads.


So I've been reading through all of these comments - but I can't help but feel that Spotify don't care. My issue is with the horror ads while listening to a kids playlist. But this post goes back to 2012 with no resolution but "we are working on it"?  No interim suggestions or troubleshooting ideas?  This is disappointing...Spotify - please take SOME action other than organizing our complaints in one thread!!


PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!! There's a lipton ad with a guy gulping down a drink AND THIS IS SO DISTRACTING AND DISGUSTING AND ENRAGING!!!! Misophonia is a real affliction - and there should be a way to mark an ad as inappropriate so that you don't have to listen to it again. Give me two extra car ads in a row! I don't care! But if I have to listen to that guy one more time.....


This is a add on to my original comment. Spotify needs to remove condom commercials. I don't want to hear a jingle that on Valentine's Day I need to "wrap it up" that is completely inappropriate and unnecessary to have as a commercial. Also all the horror commercials need to go. I don't want to be listening to Muse and a horror commercial comes on that starts with a blood curtling screem and an evil laugh. I'd rather hear the sprite "drink it when it hot, imma drink it when it's cold" commercial twice.