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[All Platforms] Cloud Files

Today we have 'Local files' that allow us to include, well, local files in our playlists etc. And this works well on my local machine. But as I have a home machine, work machine, my phone and my wife's phone these files are not available across them all. So I would love to see a 'Cloud files' feature. 


Cloud files would allow me to upload/sync my local music online (either to Spotifys own servers or using a 'hook' to Apple/Google/others) and then those files would be equaled to music provided by Spotify.


I would clearly pay extra for this option (30 NOK pr. month?). 

Updated on 2023-03-30

Hey everyone,

Thanks for coming to the Spotify Idea Exchange.

We've discussed this idea and while it is interesting, we aren't able to prioritize it and don't have any immediate plans to implement this. We will let you know if this changes in the future.

If we do have any new information to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.

More info on why your idea has been closed can be found here.


this is the only thing I WISH Spotify had on a daily basis. every time I use spotify on my work computer where I don't have a ton of my music I wonder why this feature hasn't been added yet.


like the OP said, I'd definitely pay extra for such a feature (based on how much space I use) because it'd really improve my experience. although it'd also be nice if it was free


 I personally think spotify has the best apps compared to other streaming services! Howeever there is one little feature which absolutely stands out on Deezer’s side and this is the mp3 upload option. There are only very few artists not available in Spotify, but one of them is e.g. Toten Hosen. With Deezer I could take that songs of them which I own and upload them to Deezer's online service. From then onwards I am able to use them in the same fashion as any streamed song, i.e. include them in my playlists and they can be played/streamed on any of my devices or clients. Please see the official Deezer FAQ on what exactly I’m referring to.


I’m familiar with the concept of local files which is close but not quite what I’m looking for as syncrhonisation between devices still has to be done by hand. So my question is, is this kind of feature planned for any of the upcoming releases? I think even a simple connector to google music would even do the trick? In Deezer the max size of music which is uploadable that way is limited to 45 MB which makes the service actually useless!



kr A.


If this feature was available on Spotify I would use premium but at the moment Google Music is just a stronger product for me; as it stands I can't justify paying for it as my music tastes are quite obscure so half the stuff I listen to I just have to buy. Include this and you will tip the balance.

Bump on this. 


C'mon Spotify get this feature up and there will be no reason to ever use another music client ever again.


I listen to a lot of electronic and dance music and many remixes and other releases just aren't available on Spotify. If I could somehow upload all the tracks Spotofy is missing, it would be amazing.


Also, would be interested in paying an extra premium fee for this feature.

Status changed to: Up for Votes

This would also be a feature that no other streaming service (that I am aware of) offer! 



Status changed to: Not Right Now


At the moment, we have no plans to offer local files in the cloud as part of our service. For the time being, you need to have local files available on the device on which you want to listen to music. We'll update this thread if we have an update in the future. For more information on how to listen to local files, check out our guide here.


Alright Spotify it's time you do this! You may not have had to before, or not dared to due to legal issues, but if Google music can there is NO REASON you can't! You've been the pioneering music streaming service up until now, let's keep it that way, so STEP IT UP goddammit!


Google music does it. So does itunes now.


Deezer does it.
And it's a last thing that holds me from migrating to spotify.
I love local bands, and they are not on spotify. If I cant listen to them, spotify is useless for me.
I'd love to use spotify, but uploading my own mp3 is essential to me.