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[All Platforms][Other] 2-Factor Authentication

Spotify should, as a matter of good practice and safety, implement 2-step authentication.


Previously, Spotify enabled the option to log out other sessions other than the current session.


This would prevent hackers from stealing accounts, which would additionaly lead to less account hacks and less work for Spotify employees to assist in these cases.


More info:

Updated on 2018-10-18

Hi everyone, thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange. We’re ready to mark this idea as ‘Under Consideration’. 


We are currently investigating various solutions for account security for our users, e.g. 2-factor authentication. Any news regarding user-facing security updates will be posted to this thread as a status change.


If you'd like further information about protecting your account please visit our Support Site here.


Can't believe this isn't a thing yet. Voted.


My account was hacked yesterday and today I see the "Recently Played" list which does not belong to me and I cannot delete it. It does not feel mine anymore and I'm not feeling safe.


2 years ago and this still isnt implemented, what the **bleep** Spotify, get your act together.


Seriously, as said before, the publication date from 2015 and the consideration of Spotify from 2018 ...
We are in 2020 and still no two-factor identifier, it's shameful!
The number of hacked accounts is huge and having to change your password and disconnect all devices every time is very annoying !!


It's rather silly this hasn't been implemented yet. I'm tired of my spotify being hacked and logged in in other places.


A quick update for everyone following this "idea". I reached out the Spotify support today and asked for an update and this is what they stated:


"Unfortunately, we still do not have any updates about having the 2FA authentication but Spotify is definitely strengthening our security. For example, our customers will get email notification if there will be any new devices who will logged into Spotify accounts." - May N


Clearly security and 2FA is not a priority for Spotify and the "email notification" is a joke. Once your account is first hacked, the hacker changes the email so that any notifications go to them and you never know your account has been taken over. I highly recommend that folks start a tweeting @spotify with the #spotifyscam and #spotify2fa tags. If this gets enough intention then Spotify will be forced to address it. In the meantime, if you want to switch to a streaming service that supports 2FA, then consider either Apple Music or Amazon Music both of which support two-factor authentication.




Another lame response from Spotify's "escalated response" team...

"Spotify here, I hope everything's going well with you. I'm reaching out following your recent chat with us about two-factor authentication. 

I understand that the idea has been pending for a few years and we're truly sorry there hasn't been any updates made to it. I'm afraid there are no news to break at this point, but rest assured our developers are aware that this is a most requested feature. We also understand how two-factor authentication can add an extra layer of security to Spotify accounts. 

Sorry again that we couldn't share any news about this and hopefully we'll do so in the future through the Community thread. If we can help you with anything else, big or small, please let us know. 

All the very best,

Executive Team - Spotify Customer Support"


Stop considering it and get it done please!


Issue raised in 2015 and absolutely nothing done in 5 years. It is genuinely embarrassing that a company as big as Spotify cares so little for the security of its users. 


SpotifyCares when I asked them about 2FA:


We hear you. We're afraid we don't have any more info at this time. For anything else, we'll be here /PY


Clearly security ain't a priority for Spotify. They just don't care.