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[Amazon Alexa] Swap Spotify accounts without changing Alexa account

I have a Spotify Family account for myself and my wife


I have an alexa unit in every room, every unit is using MY amazon account as all the lights and home automation can only be setup on one Amazon account


I want to play Spotify in the room i’m in


My wife wants to play her music in a different room


Both myself and my wife also want to use the home automation whilst playing music, eg, turning on the lights


This can be done using Apple music and Amazon music but Spotify require to swap to a different spotify account for the other person


To swap to a different spotify account means changing the Alexa profile of the alexa device and then all the home automation no longer works from that device. 


Please can you allow both myself and my wife to play music in different rooms WITHOUT having to change the Amazon Alexa account


It would be great if I could say ‘Alexa, play spotify from Trevors account’ and my wife could say in a different room, at the same time, ‘Alexa, play spotify from Jackie’s account’ 


This is not a duplicate of other suggestions, I’ve checked and anything close was raised before the ability to swap alexa accounts was implemented. Swapping alexa accounts is only a work around and is not a solution to this problem.


Many people want this feature and your chat team said I should raise it here


Here is a link to the forum, lots of people are leaving spotify because only spotify do not support this feature, you guys need to catch up


From my research it seems there is talk about Spotify only has one concurrent music stream whereas Apple and Amazon music have multiple streams, but please can you improve on this, the thread above was started over 18 months ago, something should be done to improve on this issue


Again, please don’t write this off as a duplicate and do nothing/say it relates to a 3rd party, people still want this feature




Trevor Rowe



Folks, just a quick update on this.

Spotify say this

The Community team talks with various other Spotify teams several times a month about ideas with over 500 votes (our criteria for being a top idea). It’s from these meetings that we apply one of the following statuses to each idea….

This idea has reached over 500 votes so I asked on chat for timescales/what will happen next and was told to keep an eye on this thread.


That really sounded open ended!


As the person on chat could only deal with app and account queries, I was told to also contact the support team to get action on this

So as well as voting for this issue (please continue), 


Spotify need to keep up with Apple and Amazon and fix this issue - with your help we might just get this solved!

Updated on 2021-06-15

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


This should have been implemented long ago. Everyone has to use the same Spotify account across multiple echo devices. It's a disaster. Please do something Spotify!


I second this idea! Please allow multiple Spotify accounts (I have a family plan) cast/use the same Amazon device (an Echo Show)!


Like many people, we just got some new Amazon Echos during the holidays this year. As we were setting up the devices in each of the different rooms, we ran into this same issue as everyone else.


It's honestly pathetic and sad that Spotify hasn't figured out a solution yet, but the other competitors have. And from the looks of it on this forum thread and others, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of other people who are running into the same exact issue and are just as upset.


This should be a very simple fix. It shouldn't be this difficult. If you have a Spotify Premium Family Plan, you should be able to match your smart speaker devices with your individual profile (not just linking to the account plan only) and allow different streams on different profiles all at the same time. Just like you can regularly. Simple as that.


Just chatted with Amazon customer service about this, all they did was:


1) Confirm that only one Spotify account can be registered with each Amazon/Alexa account and thus each individual Echo device




2) Provide the absurd workaround of logging in and out of the Alexa/Amazon account connected to the echo device in order to *then* switch Spotify accounts.


I’m willing to bet that this issue is more due to Amazon than to Spotify (what with how well Spotify plays with other devices like Google Home speakers etc).

Maybe if we all contact Amazon about this they’ll implement the software change (🤞).


"I’m willing to bet that this issue is more due to Amazon than to Spotify (what with how well Spotify plays with other devices like Google Home speakers etc)."


This is not on Amazon. This is because Spotify allows only one stream per account. My Alexas stop when someone starts playing on their phone or in a car. It stops when I play on a google home also. Other services like Amazon Music allow multiple streams per account.


The correct answer is not to expect Amazon to allow fast account switching. It's spotify not requiring you to switch accounts like other services do.


So is this a Spotify Connect vs a Google Cast issue then?


I guess I’ve always used the Google Cast option when playing music (successfully between multiple speakers and multiple different brands) and that allows you to easily play music from any Spotify account to any speaker so long as they’re sharing the same WiFi.


Spotify says their Spotify Connect allows the same functionality so long as both devices are logged into the same WiFi, however it’s not happening on Amazon’s products and Amazon themselves have stated that they only allow one individual Spotify account to be connected to each individual Amazon/Alexa account and thus each individual Echo device.


We’re all in the same boat here, it’s a bummer and a feature that should be implemented for us, the users and purchasers of these products.


With Amazon’s history of not playing nice with competitors (and they’re obviously pushing their own Amazon Music Unlimited) combined with their confirmation of only allowing a one to one Spotify/Echo setup that this rests more on Amazon’s shoulders. Spotify is the small fish here, they aren’t going to have much say or leverage in trying to push Amazon to change this current one to one Echo/Spotify setup.

Please read the thread completely. This is not Amazon's issue.

If you have two cell phones and press play on Spotify on one, it stops on
the other.
If you do this with Amazon, Apple, or Google and you have a family account,
it doesn't stop.

Spotify connect does not allow two streams of different music from the same
account. The only reason it works is if you initiate a stream from your
phone, and that phone is on a different account. Nobody in this thread
wants to have to use their phone, they want to just ask the voice speaker
to do it.

I see, well bummer across the board then, be it via voice control or from your phone, Spotify just doesn’t work well on Amazon devices. Wish I had known that before getting this darn Echo Show.


It’s a shame Echos don’t at least have the voice match feature like on Google Home/Nest devices, so that at minimum each voice profile then connects to each individual Google and thus Spotify account for use on the same device (not coincidentally this feature only works on an Echo with the Amazon Unlimited Family Music Plan).

Doesn't work for kids devices, as kids cannot have a full google account.

Nobody expects any service to give you more than one stream with a single
account. The issue here is that with Spotify Family, all you get is 6
accounts, but they are not linked in any way. Other services (Apple,
Amazon, Google) give you 6 streams per family account, even if more than
one stream is on one account.

The ideal solution here is to allow us to link different Spotify accounts to different Alexa profiles, not to allow multiple streams from one Spotify account.

Connecting individuals' Spotify accounts would allow them to access their personal playlists, likes, etc. and keep their own recommendations. Having an entire household use a single Spotify account would render the recommendations system useless.