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Bring back the heart button!

I am incredibly frustrated that I can't see which songs I liked in my own playlists. I don't want to go to the Liked Songs-list everytime I want to add my favorite songs to the queue. Bring back the heart!!!

Updated on 2024-01-26

We're thrilled to see that your suggestion is rapidly gaining popularity and we're updating its status to Good Suggestion.

We hope that it will continue to gain support from more users. Thank you for your valuable contribution - we truly appreciate it!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


Ok, what are you doing here?!


It seems you've removed the only way to determine what songs within a list are songs you actually rate as "a proper tune!".

I add songs to lists all the time, as part of a filtering system (1st listen, 2nd listen, 3rd listen, then categorize/filter), but they are not all for "Me". The 💗 icon was a way to differentiate between songs in a list; the songs I might like (it was in the list) and songs that I love (I marked it as such).


It was already an under-serviced feature, there are "bangers", and there are "absolute bangers" and then there are "mind-melting bangers".... but I worked with the one heart system and it worked, despite being a poor implementation. Now you've removed even that, and it's just liked songs (because I've added to a list at some point?!) ... What have you done here?! This is absurdity!!!


Agree. I like the option of being able to add to multiple playlists, but I want to be able to see what songs in a suggested playlist are already in my library without having to click on each individual song. Very frustrating! 


Yes, I want to be able to see what songs in my playlists are already saved to my liked songs!  The little check mark just tells me it's in a playlist, which is meaningless, since I know it's in a playlist -- that's where I'm listening to it!  


Seriously! Please bring back the heart. I love everything else about what's happening at Spotify - 2023 Wrapped was amazing! But removing the ❤️ button is just a straight up regression.


It's not the button you need, but the display of the heart next to the songs that are in the "Liked songs" playlist.

The new feature of the button saving me 2 extra taps when trying to add to other playlists is a blessing.


Losing the ability to see liked songs in a playlist, completely cripples how I use spotify.  That binary system of "liked" vs "not liked" is critical to how I organize my music AND play music on the spot.  

This is unrelated to having a heart icon to ADD a song to the liked list.  I was frustrated with that but I've adapted, as there was at least a method to achieve the same thing, even if it is an extra click now.  However I don't know how I can adapt to not seeing liked songs in a playlist.  It really seems there is no way to see this now.

I'm sitting on 40K songs spanning hundreds of playlists, crafted from years of curation, and now I can't distinguish the liked songs. 

Spotify, I desperately need this feature back, SOME kind of indicator in the playlist view.  There is plenty of screen real estate in the playlist view on Mac and PC for this (and honestly, iOS too).   It really doesn't matter what the indicator looks like, whether it is a heart or a checkmark or even tiny dot.  We just need SOMETHING.

I honestly don't know how I can continue using the app in its current state, with how I've organized my music for the last decade.  Please please consider bringing this back, for the playlist view.


And now the symbol does not mean anything. Before it was Liked Song. If you follow artist, then all the albums and all the tracks inside every one of them is green mark. - What is the point ? What does that green checkmark (today) tell me ?  No  - I have not liked or added every track of artist A, B or C. I'm not against features and or change, but now this feature does not work.


Not only bring it back, enhence it so the algorithm gives you better recommendations! =>


"And now the symbol does not mean anything."

This. THIS! This is why I'm here on the community site today, having dealt with this problem on mobile for a while already, and just recently being "updated" on desktop as well. For certain users, the checkmarks mean absolutely nothing now as they exist on every track of every album we listen to. It's just visual noise and I can't distinguish what I liked. It was a simple thing before. 


A few quotes from other responses that resonated with me:


"I'm sitting on 40K songs spanning hundreds of playlists, crafted from years of curation, and now I can't distinguish the liked songs."


"If you follow artist, then all the albums and all the tracks inside every one of them is green mark. - What is the point ? What does that green checkmark (today) tell me ?"


I have to say some of the changes to adding/removing things from a list are great, like the ability to add to multiple lists at a time before clicking Done, which also allows me to easily remove something from a list using the same menu. That's been really useful. 


But the heart. Bring back the heart! 


This is a bad usability bug, AGAIN.

Revert, revert immediately.