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Create Similar playlist gone

This feature was INTEGRAL to my usage of Spotify. I need to have it back in order to properly find new music I actually enjoy.

Updated on 2024-01-27

We're thrilled to see that your suggestion is rapidly gaining popularity and we're updating its status to Good Suggestion.

We hope that it will continue to gain support from more users. Thank you for your valuable contribution - we truly appreciate it!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


yes please bring it back!


Agreed! Now that we cannot create a playlist radio OR create a similar playlist, it's much harder to discover new music. This is a deal breaker for me if they do not bring it back.


Same, I used it to generate new recs.  Really weak that they removed that functionality.


Seems like they're trying to replace it with their new "Smart Shuffle" feature, which kind of stinks in comparison.

Smart Shuffle only inserts a new song every four songs, whereas "Create Similar Playlist" would create a playlist that was 85% new songs.

With Smart Shuffle, you have to keep hitting "Next Track" like four time until you get to a new one, and then when that's over you have to hit "Next Track" four more times to get to the next new song.


there’s no other function that i’ve seen that finds new music like Create Similar Playlist does. removing the feature also squashes the opportunities for smaller musicians to get noticed, as Spotify just pushes what’s already popular and getting tons of plays, or songs you listen to a lot of before. unless they change how their algorithm recommends music (which i doubt will be happening anytime soon) then this change of features will only leave behind a scar on Spotify users


It is a very important function to be able to discover new music, they should restore that function


This is the main feature I used most in Spotify too. Does anyone know if apple or others have a feature similar to this? 


Completely agree. This was such a useful feature that helped me find so many songs and artists. You'd think that with Spotify shifting from likes to saves for tracks that there would be a greater emphasis on playlist curation throughout the service, which removing the 'Create Similar Playlist' feature seems antithetical to.

Really hoping this is just a temporary removal and that we'll see the return of this feature soon.


I agree 100%. I constantly used this feature for various reasons. I love to curate music and lists to share with friends and for dinner parties, birthdays, etc. The create similar playlist function was one of the best features on the platform.


Please bring it back. I am very sad that it was removed. It greatly inhibits my listening and the functionality of the platform.


Thank you!


this has to be one of the worst decisions ever by spotify. one of the best functions on that app removed and for what? if it aint broke don't fix it