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I don't care if this has been submitted a hundred times over, you Spotify devs clearly need to hear it. You should *not* have to go through the effort of finding the "liked songs" playlist, just to add a song to Liked, when you have a ton of playlists. Playlists don't even sort like they used to, it seems almost random which playlists show first despite which ones I interacted with last - but that's not the issue here; it's just yet another downside of the problem at hand.


Please. Please. Please.

Bring back the **bleep** 'liked'/heart button on songs and albums. Having to add liked songs to my liked playlist manually just leads to me adding it to different playlists because it's so **bleep** tedious in the first place. I've been adding songs to playlists and then using the PC version to mass-add songs to Liked because you make it so inconvenient on mobile. This isn't user-friendly in the slightest.


Just, why? Why can't you just bring back the little heart? I thought the point of liked songs was to add songs then and there; not to have to stop in the street to add a song to a playlist because it now takes several seconds to do so. I've been paying for Premium since 2009, and now I'm wondering if you're worth the effort. Fire whoever told you it was a good idea to remove the Liked button, seriously. Fire yourselves for listening, too.

Updated on 2025-03-01

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I really miss the old like button, this new one is so confusing and I don't like it at all. I think many people can agree with me!! Please bring back the previous like button!!


true, we need some love in our playlists



Keeping the "+" is okay too, but the current system is BROKEN.


Bring it back you cowards

Stop removing good features for no reason

So I was in my car when a song I absolutely love came up on Spotify,
But I didn't quite remember the name, so I opened the screen to see,
And there it was again, that awful V Mark instead of a HEART

>> Spotify is MISSING a HEART <<

(only on the mobile Apps, Web client remains cool... missing "like all
songs" too)


They keep on rolling out updates that modify this but it's still not great. On my iPhone I have to play the song to be able to see the check/like button to easily add it to my liked songs. If I want to add it to my liked songs without playing it I have to click on the side option and use the dropdown to add it to my liked playlist. Come on Spotify, you're killing us here. 🤦‍Bring back the like button.


This has been mentioned here 8 months ago with 500 upvotes and it's being talked again and again ever since they took the heart away. It's ridiculous to thank us for this "new suggestion".


Favorite Songs should be treated in a special way.


In all lists, your own and those of others, in artists' discographies, in albums,... they must be visible with a small indicator (heart, dot, mark,...).


They are "special songs" for the user, for some reason they stand out from the rest. The idea of combining the option to add songs to the list and mark favorites in a single button is very bad. In my own lists, with this horrible change, I can't see favorite songs at a glance without having to individually press each song.


Marking favorites in any application of this type (music, movies, books...), and making them visible to the user at all times, should be something essential and untouchable.


When a change of this type occurs, at least, the user should be given the option to activate it or not, in the program preferences.


Captura de pantalla 2024-02-10 a las 13.52.15.png


The only solution I have found to this disaster of removing the heart to mark my favorite songs everywhere is to download the "Liked songs" folder.


When downloading the songs, the download icon tells me that it is a favorite song everywhere, lists, albums, etc... The problem: depending on the songs that the user has marked as favorites, it will take up a lot of space on the disk.


Thanks Spotify for complicating everything without any need.


Captura de pantalla 2024-02-11 a las 14.08.44.pngCaptura de pantalla 2024-02-11 a las 14.08.52.pngCaptura de pantalla 2024-02-11 a las 14.09.11.png


Last year I wanted to listen to 1 album every day of the year, I had one playlist where once I had listed to an album all the way through, I put the whole album inside to keep track.

Obviously I didn't like every single song on every single album i listened to, so when i listened to an album that day I would click + to add my favorite songs to my liked songs, thus creating a heart that i could very easily see on the desktop version. Now after this change i scroll through this 205 hour playlist and have no idea whats songs i even liked. you cannot justify this stupid update.