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[Music] Personal Rating of Music

It would be awesome if it was possible to give a personal rating to your songs and albums (and artists), and then sort them after it in your playlists.


Hope to see it in the future, it shouldn't even be that hard. 


Thank you!

Updated on 2018-10-02

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Community, and adding your vote to this idea!


We're marking this idea as 'Not Right Now' again for the time being, as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts.


If we have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.




Hey there!


What a idea. This is best idea ever. Kudoed.


Thanks for sharing!


Great idea !!! Especially personal rating would be really nice !!! 


Also ability to add some text comments would be great.

Status changed to: Good idea, vote for it

Hello there!


I have edited the title, since we need just one idea per thread, otherwise we can´t update it.


Since there is a "Playlist sorting options" idea already in this community, I leave this idea open for the "Personal Rating" option.


Keep adding kudos, the more votes the more possibilities to see it implemented.


Thanks for the feedback. 




Great idea - highly missed.


How to rate songs in my Favoritefolder by 1,2,,3,4 of 5 stars or anonther way to add something visible (Text, symbool, number ?) to my songs ??


Ik heb inmiddels 700 nummers van een ster voorzien waardoor ze in mijn Favrieten folder terecht komen.

Ik zoek echter een mogelijkheid om ze in die map verder te beoordelen (Rating) bijv. met 1 tot 5 sterren, zoals dat ook kan in bijv. ITunes.

Ik heb eindeloos gezocht op internet en in verschillende fora maar kan het antwoord niet vinden.

Kunt u mij vertellen of dat kan, hoe ik mijn selectie verder kan onderverdelen/ raten cq van een of ander merktekentje of i.d kan voorzien of dat daar wellicht een App voor is ?

Ik zou natuurlijk 5 nieuwe afspeellijsten kunnen aanmaken met 1,2,3,4 en 5 sterren en ze per song kunnen toevoegen aan een van die mappen maar dat werkt in de praktijk niet omdat ik telkens niet meer weet waar ik ben, welke nummers ik wel en niet gehad heb en bovendien kan ik ondertussen geen nieuwe nummers aan de favorieten lijst toevoegen omdat dan het hele overzicht van waar ik ben weg is.

Heel graag dus een tip over een slimme truc om de nummers in mijn favorietenlijst verder te raten.

Bij voorbaat hartelijk dank


T.B. Eisenga


I too really do miss that. The whole user interface on Spotify is kind of strange for me as I am very used to the amazing tool that is iTunes... with which you can basically do anything you want 🙂


I miss the 0 to 5 star personal rating BECAUSE on iTunes, I put 1 star when I hate. It differentiates tracks that I have NOT listened to yet to ones I have but hate. Great feature for me because it prevents me from listening twice to a song I actually hated once already 🙂 - The 2 to 5 star makes it more subtle for me to understand if it's a "desert island" track, a track I enjoy or really enjoy.


Also the rating enables me to create automatic playlist on iTunes based on rating and genre such as "Reggae music > 4*" would be a really really good playlist of what I actually LOVE in reggae...


Simple feature would also be to create a plug-in that could IMPORT your existing rating from iTunes once you implement this feature on Spotify. Honestly, I don't know how you make do without it 🙂


Please add rating like in winamp - works perfect.


If I rate album, all tracks are rated the same. The fast way.


If I rate the tracks, the album rating is calculated as the average of the tracks ratings.


Ratings are stars: unrated (0) to max. rating (5).


winamp offers half-star increments from 0 to 5 stars. Would like that too, if possible.


And if you add personal ratings please provide an average of them in the general album informations. It would be a very nice identifier for good albums, much more useful then popularity display...