
Help Wizard

Step 1


[Other] Toggle on/off the dynamic background color of the lyrics feature.


It’s a bit sad to see the similar ideas have been closed. But it shows that other folks have the same feeling as me. We all enjoyed the lyrics function. However, some of the background colors are too bright to watch.

I was hoping that there is a toggle to turn on/off the dynamic color. And, when turning it off, I can choose a color I like as the fixed background color.


Thank you!

Updated on 2022-03-21

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


I've been a Spotify user for over 6 years and have been premium for at least the past 3. This is the one issue that, every time I come across it, makes me angry that it has yet to be fixed. I have literally had migraines as a result of the inability to simply change the hue in the code. 


I have reached out to Spotify accessibility team, I've reached out on Twitter (or X, if you must) to various support teams. Moreover, I've been active on this issue for months providing the impacts, considerations and suggested alternatives along with a plethora of other users.


No response from any channel/medium. May as well get rid of this "community" forum, it goes unnoticed. There's a saying that is very fitting, interacting with Spotify is like farting in the wind. What a shame.


@NickRSA you didn't answer my question yet on whether the Musixmatch app or YouTube Music provides a better alternative lyric display method for Spotify users to the solid "moderately bright" background color


It's been more than a year and there is still no update on this? Any news for it? it would be nice for people with problems like epilepsy that actually want to sign while listening on spotify. 


Please implement this, copy the users Windows theme colour?
Something, anything, please.


so this idea has been put to garbage?
can anyone here look at that and say **bleep** yea that's good background color for my eyes?




That's not the only background color there is.  It differs depending on the album art.


So you are saying its the artists fault?


No.  The artists have nothing to do with the lyric background color.  This appearance is what sets Spotify apart from other audio streaming platforms.



My eyes will have problems if I watch this for a while