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I don't care if this has been submitted a hundred times over, you Spotify devs clearly need to hear it. You should *not* have to go through the effort of finding the "liked songs" playlist, just to add a song to Liked, when you have a ton of playlists. Playlists don't even sort like they used to, it seems almost random which playlists show first despite which ones I interacted with last - but that's not the issue here; it's just yet another downside of the problem at hand.


Please. Please. Please.

Bring back the **bleep** 'liked'/heart button on songs and albums. Having to add liked songs to my liked playlist manually just leads to me adding it to different playlists because it's so **bleep** tedious in the first place. I've been adding songs to playlists and then using the PC version to mass-add songs to Liked because you make it so inconvenient on mobile. This isn't user-friendly in the slightest.


Just, why? Why can't you just bring back the little heart? I thought the point of liked songs was to add songs then and there; not to have to stop in the street to add a song to a playlist because it now takes several seconds to do so. I've been paying for Premium since 2009, and now I'm wondering if you're worth the effort. Fire whoever told you it was a good idea to remove the Liked button, seriously. Fire yourselves for listening, too.

Updated on 2025-03-01

Thank you for sharing your feedback with the Spotify Ideas Exchange.

Your suggestion has been marked as a Live Idea and will be reviewed by the Spotify staff once it receives enough votes. We appreciate your contribution and look forward to your continued support of this idea!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


Couldn't agree more. The Like button was absolutely fine the way it was, and I desperately need it back.
If you wanna do this weird and - in my opinion - useless "add to playlist" checkmark thingy, by all means do that as well. But NOT instead of the Like!
Do not take away important and good features from your customers. I mean, what is wrong with you?!

As a power user, my workflow in Spotify looks like this: All new music I wanna check out goes into a special playlist. Then I listen through it and things that I like on the first listening round get marked as "liked". Later, perhaps on another day, I'll give this a second round but focus only one the songs that I didn't mark as liked in the first round, and then decide to give it either a like or remove it. And once all that is done, I'll listen through all liked songs one more time to see if I wanna keep those or maybe remove some. And then I'll sort the liked songs into one or multiple of my different playlists, where I have playlists by genres but also by year, plus a bunch of additional.
Up until the change it was easily available at a glance which songs I wanna listen through next, now I simply cannot organize this properly anymore.

Way to **bleep** of your loyal customers, good job!


Please vote here to get back THE Like button !


Hopefully they will bring it back - new year, new heart



"If you wanna do this weird and - in my opinion - useless "add to playlist"
checkmark thingy, by all means do that as well. But NOT instead of the

You're right about Spotify having to do the + button "as well", next to and
not instead of the heart. Absolutely right, that's the core of the problem.
Weird that the UX designers at Spotify don't get that.

But you're wrong thinking that the new "add to playlist" way is useless. I
consider myself a power user and I have embraced this new feature with all
its advantages. So let's keep that and simply bring back the heart as a
separate button.

Status changed to: Good Suggestion

Updated on 2024-01-26

We're thrilled to see that your suggestion is rapidly gaining popularity and we're updating its status to Good Suggestion.

We hope that it will continue to gain support from more users. Thank you for your valuable contribution - we truly appreciate it!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


Keep up the good work and share this post to everyone you know to like this idea and bring the heart back if you want it as much as I do! 😄


@bumpy_flapjack You are correct. It's useless for adding songs (maybe it's useful for the mobile app, but not the desktop app).


VOTE for "Additional Green Checkmark for Same Song on OTHER Albums"


Don't make too much of Spotify's little comment here.



They have said the same for this exact idea last year and never acted out on it:



Completely out of touch with their users.

Status changed to: Good Suggestion

Updated on 2024-01-27

We're thrilled to see that your suggestion is rapidly gaining popularity and we're updating its status to Good Suggestion.

We hope that it will continue to gain support from more users. Thank you for your valuable contribution - we truly appreciate it!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


I think the current implementation is that the plus button adds items to your library? Problem is there is no easy way to just listen to your library, that’s what the liked playlist is for. I added a few songs to my library not realizing they weren’t going to my liked, which meant I couldn’t listen to them once I fell out of cell service because only my likes download a local copy of my music 😭