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Downloaded icon is not being displayed

Hey folks, 


We've received some reports of users being unable to see the green arrow icon for downloads on some of their downloaded songs. However, it does show on the top of the downloaded playlist. The content is still playable with no connection and no impact on the user experience. 


This is under investigation.

Hey folks,


Thanks for your patience while we looked into this issue.


We’re happy to say that this should now be fixed for everyone! Just make sure your app is updated to the latest version.


If you're still having trouble, make sure to post a new thread in the relevant help board here.




New update to app. Problem still not fixed. Moderator asked to tell if update does not fix issue. Another one.


I also like to note, on Windows app this issue is non-existent. Please try to fix it, it takes long.


Same issue. 






Google pixel 4a

Operating System

Android 13


My Question or Issue

Same as everyone else. Only some of the songs in my playlists have the download icon. I have relogged in multiple times, restarted phone multiple times, and then clean reinstalled multiple times. This includes clearing the cache and storage in my phone settings and in the spotify app.


It appears the songs without the icon *are* downloading, but the icon is not there (the song plays in offline mode with airplane mode turned on). When I view the album the song is in, the download icon appears. When I make a new playlist, the same songs are missing the icon.


Please fix this, I use the download icon to help me sort new songs into playlists, it tells me what I already have.









Same issue. Pretty much what radauthor described. This happens even in playlists created by Spotify.


I hope this gets fixed. I'd hate to have to change hundreds of songs in each of my playlists just to be sure I can listen to them when I want to.


Weird, this has never been a problem before. When a newer release appeared instead of the old one, songs used to update automatically.


Please fix this.


New update fixed it, thank you. Update


I no more use Offline mode as the Micro SD card does not work after reboot and Spotify goes to 32 Gb inline memory.

So I kinda used now to use Spotify online only with unlimited 0.5M net for €4 on my other sim card.


Just to inform you finally fixed the UI problem.


Screenshot at Apr 04 09-43-29.pngScreenshot at Apr 04 09-43-29.png

It does not show properly.

Some of the songs I have added to my playlists won't download. A little icon with an Exclamation mark appears next to them instead? And also when clicking the three dots on a track to add it to a playlist I just get a grey bar across the bottom of the screen as though it's crashed retrieving the information for that menu.
Status changed to: Fixed

Hey folks,


Thanks for your patience while we looked into this issue.


We’re happy to say that this should now be fixed for everyone! Just make sure your app is updated to the latest version.


If you're still having trouble, make sure to post a new thread in the relevant help board here.

