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Incorrect number of Liked Songs

We've been getting reports that some users are not seeing the correct number of Liked Songs in their Library. This is happening across multiple platforms: Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.


We are now investigating this.

Hey folks!


This should now be fixed 🙂
If the issue still persists for you, do a clean reinstall the app as described here.








Iphone 13 and Windows Laptop

Operating System

both up to date


My Question or Issue

On my Iphone I cleared my cache as it took up almost 10GB. Doing this did basically nothing except removing over 3900+ of my liked songs. I've gone from 4100 to 260 and I would quite like them all back. I still have them all on my laptop, but my phone refuses to get them back.


I've signed out, deleted the app, restarted my phone, signed out everywhere, logged in with another account, deleted app data etc. I haven't found other threads like this specifically, does anyone know what to do?



I have the exact same problem 


I have been having the same issue. I removed and reinstalled Spotify from my Android phone, then logged out of the app and logged in again. No change. There are about 800 songs on my Liked list on my PC, and 200 on the phone app.


Hey , I have the same issue , but it’s a huge issue as I keep nearly all my music (8000+ songs collected over 9 years) and this trouble shooting suggestion didn’t work - I have an iphone12 pro on ios17.4.1


I have the same issue. I have about 1000 liked tracks that all appear on my PC, but my Android phone shows fewer than 300 of them. I did the reinstall thing and nothing changed. Curiously, from what I can tell this problem of missing songs only exists for my liked songs playlist on the phone app; there don't appear to be any missing songs in my other playlists in the phone app. 


It's pretty annoying huh


I just did my 3rd clean reinstall and it worked, so maybe keep trying that!





i have the same prob, but all my songs are still on my laptop but lost 800 on my phone 😞 prob cos i cleared my cache for the first time today

Status changed to: Under investigation

Hey folks,


Thanks for reporting this issue to us.


We’ve passed your info on to the relevant team, who are currently looking into it. We're seeing cases where performing a clean reinstall of the app does the trick, so make sure to try it, if you haven't already.


If the issue persists, make sure to click +VOTE and share the following info:

  • device make, model and OS version
  • the exact version of Spotify you're currently running

  • Number of tracks you're seeing

Thanks! We’ll keep you posted and let you know as soon as we have any updates on this, so Subscribe to the thread from the three dots menu to be notified of any developments.


I had to reinstall my spotify client today, when I logged back in I was missing 2.5 thousand liked songs, a few hundred still remain there. If I open the web version however, all the previously liked songs are present