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Step 1


PS4 Quick Menu shows Playlists instead of a list Liked Songs

Upon opening the PS4 quick menu, it doesn't display the Liked songs list. It only shows the playlists in the library.

Hey folks!


This is still being looked into and a fix is bound to get rolled out with the upcoming updates.
As we do not have a definite time on when exactly this will happen, we're setting this Ongoing Issue to 'Not Right Now'.
Rest assured that it is still going to be fixed; possibly in the upcoming weeks 🙂


Keep us posted in case you spot any changes and we'll do the same.

Did you figure something out?

Bro they still didnt fix this? My liked songs now show my playlist in order but plays the actual liked songs in order... It's probably because of the new layout for the phones where it shows liked songs and playlist in the same place..

Status changed to: Not Right Now

Hey folks!


This is still being looked into and a fix is bound to get rolled out with the upcoming updates.
As we do not have a definite time on when exactly this will happen, we're setting this Ongoing Issue to 'Not Right Now'.
Rest assured that it is still going to be fixed; possibly in the upcoming weeks 🙂


Keep us posted in case you spot any changes and we'll do the same.

No menu rápido do meu PlayStation 4, quando seleciono a aba "Músicas curtidas", é mostrado minhas outras duas playlists salvas, ao invés das minhas músicas curtidas, e se eu clicar nas playlists através da aba Músicas curtidas é reproduzido a música mais recente que eu favoritei.

I found a way how to get all your liked songs to show up in the quick menu on ps4, You have to go on a pc to remove all of your playlists except the liked songs playlist and before you do that you have to go to settings in the Spotify desktop app or web player and remove them from there and there you have it, and it’ll start showing all your liked songs  in the quick menu on ps4.