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Playback stops after playing few songs on Echo devices

We've received multiple reports where repeat stops working & playback pauses after a few songs on Amazon Echo devices.

Hey there folks,

We've checked with our teams and this should now be fixed for everyone 🙂

Make sure that your Echo device is up-to-update, should you still experience issues. You can do this by asking Alexa for an update with the voice command - "Alexa, check for updates".

If the above doesn't do the trick, and the issue persists, we recommend that you create a new thread on our Help Board, so we can look into it further.



This is also happening to me. Started a couple of days ago


Exactly the same issue here -Alexa stops playing Spotify after 2-3 songs! Spotify starts after being told to play again, but then stops again


Super annoying. We use Alexa Echo dot 2 + Spotify for White noise for our baby, this bug bother a lot. Please fix ASAP.


Hi all, 

More observations.


I ran the loop song like I normally do through Spotify. I then changed over to the Alexa app. I saw it was playing on the selected device, wanted to see if it continued to play there, vice Spotify app.


Like before, it stopped after 3-4 cycles of the song. However, while in the Alexa app, when the music stopped, a grey box appeared, with no visible text, and the "OK" on the side to acknowledge and close.


I am not an IT guy, but the Alexa app recognized something from Spotify that stopped the song. 




Actually came across this problem the last few days (after working flawlessly the last six or so years). Apparently this is nothing limited if you look up the Spotify skill on the amazon page it is getting a TON of bad reviews recently with the same problem.


Having this issue as well. When continuing the song on Spotify, it shows the playhead at around 24 seconds in, despite the fact that song is playing from the start. Asking Alexa to continue has the same effect.


Exact same problem. It's been going on at least the last few days. I'm on Android, and the Spotify app keeps stopping playing on my echo. When it stops, it'll still say on my Spotify app that the song is playing, and say that it's still connected to my echo, but I'll have to pause and then press play again for it to connect again. But it'll have been "playing" so the song will have progressed. Very frustrating!

Hopefully they'll do something about it if people keep posting about it.
They need to know that stuff like updating the apps, linking, unlinking etc
is making no difference.

We are experiencing exactly the same thing. White noise on Spotify has always played on repeat one throughout the night using echo dot. Now it stops after a couple of repeats causing our daughter to wake up multiple times in the night. We play it through a Bluetooth speaker and there is no issue, only when playing through the echo and all of our Amazon devices. 


Like I said, we aren't alone if you look at the most recent reviews


I was thinking about getting a small little white noise machine and this may have finally done it. 


Also for some reason it weirdly pauses randomly when playing through the phone after about 40 minutes last night, I am pretty sure I got a new Spotify update via Android this week and thought it was strange it was acting up like that.