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"My Shazam Tracks" playlist doesn't sync/add all shazamed tracks

Plan; Premium

Country: New Zealand


It's the same on all my devices - whether Apple or Android 


My Question or Issue


I've been using the automatic sync function where songs I have shazamed show up automatically in the 'My Shazams Playlist'. They stopped syncing so I followed the advice on this community of disconnecting the two, deleting the playlist on Spotify, then reconnecting. I've done this 3 times now.  However the playlist on Spotify only shows 94 songs whereas I've Shazamed 147 songs. And the songs that don't show up seem random - it's not that the first ones don't show or that certain albums don't show. For example I shazamed 3 songs recently from the same album on the same day and only one shows in Spotify. Any ideas? 

Hey everyone,


Thank you for reporting this issue to us.


  • iOS

This should now be fixed for all iOS users with the release of Shazam v 14.2. Just make sure your Spotify and Shazam apps are updated to the latest version.


Note that past Shazams will no longer sync to Spotify as part of the ‘Sync Shazams to Spotify’ feature. We have however improved the syncing to find and add more of your new Shazams to the ‘My Shazam Tracks’ playlist.


You can find out more on how to use Shazam in conjunction with Spotify on iOS in this Spotify Answer.


  • Android

The relevant team is still looking into possible solutions for AndroidWe're not able to provide an exact timeline for a fix, but we'd recommend always keeping your Spotify app up to date to ensure you're on the latest version.

Keep in mind that in the meanwhile, you can manually add tracks you Shazam to your "My Shazam Tracks" playlist.


Thanks again!

Top Answer
Spotify Legend

Hey there folks, 


Just sharing an update with you all:


I've gone ahead and did some tweaks in the Status Update to make it more clear that this issue should be resolved for iOS users as this caused some confusion.

If you're currently in version 14.2 (and newer) of the Shazam app and you're experiencing something similar on an iOS device, we'd recommend posting in the relevant Help board so we can take a closer look into things.


We'd also suggest checking out this Spotify Answer that contains more info and troubleshooting you can try.


For Android users, rest assured that the teams are still working into improving things. Make sure to keep both Spotify and Shazam apps up to date in the meanwhile.


Lastly, keep in mind that if you're on Android, you can try deleting the "My Shazam Tracks" playlist to restart the sync. However, we don't recommend trying this step if you're having troubles with the iOS app as this won't work in the same way (you'll only see new shazamed tracks display).


If anything changes for Android users, we'll keep you in the loop here!


Hope this helps clear things up a bit more! If you have any questions about what different Ongoing Issue statuses mean, you can check this Spotify Answer.


Have a lovely day 🙂


I know I'm just glad they finally want to look into it because it **bleep**ing sucks! 😄


Same problem, 208 shazams, and only 91 songs in my shazam tracks on Spotify. As I found, songs that have more than one title match on Spotify cant be added to the playlist, and you cant use the add to button on the Shazam app (add to is grey), so if you want to add it, you need to do it by hand. For now, it is the only solution, but I would like it to do automatically.


Hi @Mario,


Any update about that issue ?

Status changed to: Need more info

Hey there folks,


We really appreciate your reports here in the Community about this!


We've moved this thread to our Ongoing Issues to gather some additional details necessary in order to report this with the right teams for them to look into.


First, if you're having troubles with your Shazamed tracks properly syncing to your "My Shazam Tracks", make sure you've tried the steps in the post marked as solution here after a thorough reinstallation of Spotify


If that doesn't do the trick, add your +VOTE and a comment with your details below:

  • Do you Shazam tracks from multiple devices?
  • Do tracks sync properly to Spotify when using a different device? 
  • Details of the affected device(s): the model/make and operating system version
  • The exact version of the Spotify app you're on on the affected device(s) - you can find this out by following the steps here.
  • The exact version of the Shazam app
  • Troubleshooting steps you've tried
  • Any other relevant details that could be useful 

Keep in mind that in the meanwhile, you can manually add tracks you Shazam to your "My Shazam Tracks" playlist.


We'll be keeping an eye out for your replies, thanks 🙂


nothing working... 😞


Hey there @ekesaf,


Thanks for giving these steps a try!


In this case, could you let us know the details requested in the Status Update? This way, we can gather all the necessary details to get this reported and investigated with the right folks!


Keep us posted 🙂


 I shazam only from my iphone.

Tracks do synchronize on spotify but only a part of them without explication.

My shazam (13.27.0), spotify and iphone are updated at the latest version.

Desynchronizing and resynchronizing doesn't work. 


Thank you 


Hey @Stéphane16,


Thanks for sharing this info!


Could you also let us know the rest of the details, including the exact version of the Spotify app? Once we have gathered all the relevant info, we'll be able to pass this on to our teams.


In the meanwhile, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to give us a shout! 


If that doesn't do the trick, add your +VOTE and a comment with your details below:

  • Do you Shazam tracks from multiple devices? Nope, just one device.
  • Do tracks sync properly to Spotify when using a different device? Nope, the last sync was 28.01.2019
  • Details of the affected device(s): the model/make and operating system version. iphone 6s / also on computer both application and web
  • The exact version of the Spotify app you're on on the affected device(s) - you can find this out by following the steps here.
  • The exact version of the Shazam app
  • Troubleshooting steps you've tried
  • firslt I tried to delete my shazam list. Nothing happend.
  • Then cut off the shazam and spotfy connection. Nothing happend. 
  • Then I tried to uninstall both shazam and spotfy apps and install again. Nothing happend.
  • Then I notice that on my spotify web area there is area called "return deleted playlists" and I use here. Because my deleted shazam list was there. But nothing happend.
  • I tried to change the list. Nothing happend.
  • The last thing I tried that uninstall apps from my iphone device and add pure new device. (samsung A71) but nothing changed.
  • Any other relevant details that could be useful 
  • Thats all 😞 Shazam and spotfy no more work together.

You can call me, or we can make video call to show tou the steps.