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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hay guys. Have a little Problem. I've paid for premium with a gift Card
a few Days ago and now i can't skip songs on my spotifyaccount and it
says i have to get premium to do that. What can i do now?
Hay guys. Have a little Problem. I've paid for premium with a gift Card a few Days ago and now i can't skip songs on my spotifyaccount and it says i have to get premium to do that. What can i do now?
My brother and I are 18 years apart. He just turned 14 and I want to
gift him Spotify. He lives with me part time through the year and the
other with another family member in another state. So he is both a
student and a family member... Both options ...
My brother and I are 18 years apart. He just turned 14 and I want to gift him Spotify. He lives with me part time through the year and the other with another family member in another state. So he i...
Does anyone know if i am able to merge standard accounts into a Premium
Family account?My other family members have standard accounts not
premium accounts and i am wondering if they can still be merged even
though their accounts are standard?
Does anyone know if i am able to merge standard accounts into a Premium Family account? My other family members have standard accounts not premium accounts and i am wondering if they can still b...
I was going to sign up for 3 months at $9.99 offer. Instead I clicked on
the wrong deal (I have butter fingers) and got charged for the month. It
doesn't tell you what you're signing up for until the very last
confirmation page. Who do I contact to g...
I was going to sign up for 3 months at $9.99 offer. Instead I clicked on the wrong deal (I have butter fingers) and got charged for the month. It doesn't tell you what you're signing up for until the...
Hola alguien sabe porque spotify no me acepta mi dirección? quiero que
mi hijo se suscriba a mi cuenta familiar ambos vivimos en la misma casa
pero spotify dice que no puede verificarlo, estoy bastante molesto con
Hola alguien sabe porque spotify no me acepta mi dirección? quiero que mi hijo se suscriba a mi cuenta familiar ambos vivimos en la misma casa pero spotify dice que no puede verificarlo, estoy bastan...
Fiz a assinatura do plano premium for family, e a conta que uso pra
escultar minhas musicas é a do administrador, pois sou eu que pago,
porem quando quero ativar o modo aleatorio ou voltar a uma musica,
aparece o banner para assinar o plano premium, ...
Fiz a assinatura do plano premium for family, e a conta que uso pra escultar minhas musicas é a do administrador, pois sou eu que pago, porem quando quero ativar o modo aleatorio ou voltar a uma m...
I have premium family. There are two account users. When I am listening
to music and the other user then plays their own music it tunrs mine of
and come up with the erro message "Playback Paused: Your account is in
use somewhere else" As I am paying ...
I have premium family. There are two account users. When I am listening to music and the other user then plays their own music it tunrs mine of and come up with the erro message "P...
Boa tarde!Estou tendo problemas ao conectar as contas de meus
familiares; mesmo morando no mesmo endereço que eu, consta o contrário
ao finalizar o questionário para reativar a conta deles.Fico no aguardo,
desde já, obrigada.
Boa tarde! Estou tendo problemas ao conectar as contas de meus familiares; mesmo morando no mesmo endereço que eu, consta o contrário ao finalizar o questionário para reativar a conta deles. Fico n...
I recently joined my family's premium account, and in the app it says I
have premium, but I don't have access to all the premium features. I do
not have unlimited skips, which is quite annoying when I have so many
songs on one playlist. Can anyone he...
I recently joined my family's premium account, and in the app it says I have premium, but I don't have access to all the premium features. I do not have unlimited skips, which is quite annoying w...
Hello,My dad got a spotify family account and invited my sister and me.
On our accounts there are no problems. But on his account he can
download songs but not skip them all and is still asked to get a premium
account.Thanks for the help!
Hello, My dad got a spotify family account and invited my sister and me. On our accounts there are no problems. But on his account he can download songs but not skip them all and is still asked to g...
I have, at least 10 times, sent my wife a mail from Spotify's website so
that she can confirm my invitation to join me and the familyaccount but
she doesn't receive any mail at all. Anybody how knows what to do? /
I have, at least 10 times, sent my wife a mail from Spotify's website so that she can confirm my invitation to join me and the familyaccount but she doesn't receive any mail at all. Anybody h...
Bom dia. Houve um problema com o meu cartão de crédito e demorei cerca
de 5 dias para adicionar um novo para abatimento da assinatura. Nesse
meio tempo todos os membros inscritos no meu plano familiar estavam
usando o app tranquilamente. No entanto, ...
Bom dia. Houve um problema com o meu cartão de crédito e demorei cerca de 5 dias para adicionar um novo para abatimento da assinatura. Nesse meio tempo todos os membros inscritos no meu plano familia...
My sister invited me with the premium for family but I just dont receive
the mail.we tried it several times but it still doesnt work. can someone
help me plz
My sister invited me with the premium for family but I just dont receive the mail. we tried it several times but it still doesnt work. can someone help me plz
Hi, I need help with my Family Account. I can't remember the exact
address I did key in on my account. Now I am having problems adding a
member. Help please.
Hi, I need help with my Family Account. I can't remember the exact address I did key in on my account. Now I am having problems adding a member. Help please.