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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
We have a family account, on my account I have several playlists all set
to public. I have one for my son & one for my daughter. The problem is
when I search for the one I've done for my son from his account its not
visible (total number of playlists...
We have a family account, on my account I have several playlists all set to public. I have one for my son & one for my daughter. The problem is when I search for the one I've done for my son f...
just upgraded to the family account but now it seems both of us have the
same music. We dont want to share music as have different tastes etc. I
thought the family acc gave each user their own account?
just upgraded to the family account but now it seems both of us have the same music. We dont want to share music as have different tastes etc. I thought the family acc gave each user their own account?
I've got problem with my account spotify ( registered with Facebook) i
cant pair this acc with playstation network.. and listem music on ps4
app, only with using iPhone spotyfiy conect.Have any1 the same problem ?
I've got problem with my account spotify ( registered with Facebook) i cant pair this acc with playstation network.. and listem music on ps4 app, only with using iPhone spotyfiy conect. Have any1 th...
Bonjour savez quand l offre 3 mois va se refaire à nouveau car je l'ai
manqué et je voudrai souscire mais que avec cette offre qui me parait
interessante ! merci
Bonjour savez quand l offre 3 mois va se refaire à nouveau car je l'ai manqué et je voudrai souscire mais que avec cette offre qui me parait interessante ! merci
I'm part of a familiar plan and the host has just sent me animo
invitación, but I didn't receive the mail. It just happened when other
plan members where asked to verify their home address.
I'm part of a familiar plan and the host has just sent me animo invitación, but I didn't receive the mail. It just happened when other plan members where asked to verify their home address.
Quando eu tento cadastrar um novo cartão no plano Spotify Família, assim
que eu insiro os dados do meu cartão, a página reinicia, como se eu nao
tivesse cadastrado nada, e entao aparece um aviso dizendo que ocorreu um
erro, e para tentar mais tarde. ...
Quando eu tento cadastrar um novo cartão no plano Spotify Família, assim que eu insiro os dados do meu cartão, a página reinicia, como se eu nao tivesse cadastrado nada, e entao aparece um aviso dize...
Hey Guys, I would like to open a Family-Account with my seblings in
Germany.My problem is that in August I´m going to study for 1 year in
Mexico.Is it possible to open the family account in Germany where I
normally live while using it in Mexico? My s...
Hey Guys, I would like to open a Family-Account with my seblings in Germany. My problem is that in August I´m going to study for 1 year in Mexico. Is it possible to open the family a...
Hi Support (or anybody else, who might have a hint for me),since the
verification e-mails were sent again, only two members of my family were
able to join again, but my boyfriend is not able to though he is
definetly living in the same place like me....
Hi Support (or anybody else, who might have a hint for me), since the verification e-mails were sent again, only two members of my family were able to join again, but my boyfriend is not able to t...
Merhaba arkdaşlar spotify premium alıcaktım öğrenci indirimi olduğunu
öğrendim bu indirim sadece üniversite öğrencileri için mi? ve edu
tabanlı e- posta gerekiyor mu?
Merhaba arkdaşlar spotify premium alıcaktım öğrenci indirimi olduğunu öğrendim bu indirim sadece üniversite öğrencileri için mi? ve edu tabanlı e- posta gerekiyor mu?
Hi, I'm looking at the family plan but I travel frequently for work and
as a family we travel overseas regularly - will our mobile devices
showing up in other countries cause any of the subaccounts to be
disconnected from the plan?
Hi, I'm looking at the family plan but I travel frequently for work and as a family we travel overseas regularly - will our mobile devices showing up in other countries cause any of the subaccounts t...
I've been paying since October the family subscription of 149 pesos yet
for some reason my account only gets the free subscription even though I
Have been charged monthly
I've been paying since October the family subscription of 149 pesos yet for some reason my account only gets the free subscription even though I Have been charged monthly
Hallo, I have a Problem with my Family Account... we are 4 People in
this Account. I offen were kicked out of The Account so they had to send
me a link that i can go back in The Account . But Now there stand that
ohne link issnt opend But all links t...
Hallo, I have a Problem with my Family Account... we are 4 People in this Account. I offen were kicked out of The Account so they had to send me a link that i can go back in The Account . But Now t...
I was with Spotify family, but this month they cut my account, but just
mine. Other members still have their premium, and now I can't come back
to the account, because spotify said: "We can't confirme that you live
in the same house" --'
I was with Spotify family, but this month they cut my account, but just mine. Other members still have their premium, and now I can't come back to the account, because spotify said: "We can't c...
My premium subscription for family plan isn't working all of a sudden. I
have been subscribed as a premium member under the main holder of the
family account since January and has been working fine until July. When
i checked, it says that I'm not und...
My premium subscription for family plan isn't working all of a sudden. I have been subscribed as a premium member under the main holder of the family account since January and has been working fine u...
Hi,I have a recomposed family and the kids live there only one week over
two.Is the family premium account going to work for them, even if they
live at my address half of the time?Thanks for your answers.Chabounga
Hi, I have a recomposed family and the kids live there only one week over two. Is the family premium account going to work for them, even if they live at my address half of the time? Thanks for y...