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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Como as contas de meus membros foram excluídos e não conseguiram mais
activar como contas por problemas de localizao, eles colocam o mesmo cep
e mesmo assim sao impedidos. Gostaria de ter uma solucao, estou pagando
e nao estou usando.
Como as contas de meus membros foram excluídos e não conseguiram mais activar como contas por problemas de localizao, eles colocam o mesmo cep e mesmo assim sao impedidos. Gostaria de ter uma solucao...
Recientemente la aplicación desvinculó a 3 de mis familiares y no los
puedo volver a reincorporar a mi plan familiar premium. Cuando intento
reincorporarlos dice "no se ha podido comprobar la dirección". Utilizo
los mismos datos de la dirección, códi...
Recientemente la aplicación desvinculó a 3 de mis familiares y no los puedo volver a reincorporar a mi plan familiar premium. Cuando intento reincorporarlos dice "no se ha podido comprobar la direcci...
Around mid April i sent a message regarding my problem, which is that i
paid for 12 months premium family subscription and only got 6. I was
replied with the following: "Hello Marcos,Thanks for getting in touch
with us. We understand that you didn't ...
Around mid April i sent a message regarding my problem, which is that i paid for 12 months premium family subscription and only got 6. I was replied with the following: "Hello Marcos, T...
If I do update to mi accunt to "Plan Premium Family" and mi billing day
past 4 days ago, Spotify bill to thah difference or the totally of cost
of the plan ?
If I do update to mi accunt to "Plan Premium Family" and mi billing day past 4 days ago, Spotify bill to thah difference or the totally of cost of the plan ?
Hi, I have just signed up to premium for family, I have two family
members living in Oz, why can't they be included? It's not allowing them
as they are in another country. ??
Hi, I have just signed up to premium for family, I have two family members living in Oz, why can't they be included? It's not allowing them as they are in another country. ??
The invites we have sent can't be activated and I can't remove them from
the family list or send other ones because that have already been sent
to that email. I don't know why the family share thing won't work
The invites we have sent can't be activated and I can't remove them from the family list or send other ones because that have already been sent to that email. I don't know why the family share t...
¿que puedo hacer si mi cuenta a sido desconectada del plan familiar?
Pasa que mi esposo contrato el plan familiar, y por ende me metió a mi,
pero por cuestiones de trabajo continuamente salgo de viaje, al parecer
Spotify detecto eso y lo tomo como ex...
¿que puedo hacer si mi cuenta a sido desconectada del plan familiar? Pasa que mi esposo contrato el plan familiar, y por ende me metió a mi, pero por cuestiones de trabajo continuamente salgo de viaj...
Estou a dois meses tentando solucionar problemas na minha conta family
premium e não consigo , não existe um serviço de atendimento ao cliente
. Só entram em contato caso pare de pagar .
Estou a dois meses tentando solucionar problemas na minha conta family premium e não consigo , não existe um serviço de atendimento ao cliente . Só entram em contato caso pare de pagar .
Hello my name is David Ferreira jr, user spotify: djdsfj, I have a
family plan, that my children are with their accounts revoked the emails
are: , I would like explanations about these account
revocations by Cause of the address, I await contact. Dav...
Hello my name is David Ferreira jr, user spotify: djdsfj, I have a family plan, that my children are with their accounts revoked the emails are: <removed>, I would like explanations about t...
Hola! Mi pareja no supo confirmar la dirección en donde vivimos y pues
ahora no puedo agregarlo a mi plan familiar porque se supone que spotify
detecta que no vivivmos en la misma dirección, pero sí vivimos juntos,
hasta tenemos un hijo jaja. Alguien...
Hola! Mi pareja no supo confirmar la dirección en donde vivimos y pues ahora no puedo agregarlo a mi plan familiar porque se supone que spotify detecta que no vivivmos en la misma dirección, pero sí ...
HI! I moved countries a few years ago but my Spotify is charged through
Paypal on a card from my old country, Ireland, which hasn't been a
problem until now. It used to be charged on the card directly but it
stopped working because Spotify noticed th...
...ard directly but it stopped working because Spotify noticed the difference in countries so I was adviced by a customer care agent to pay through Paypal. Now I tried to set up a family subscription a...
Whenever I accept the invitation and I type the code, and then the
address, wrong, saying that I do not reside at the same address as the
administrator. Being that I was using the family premium, and out of
nowhere my account was withdrawn.
Whenever I accept the invitation and I type the code, and then the address, wrong, saying that I do not reside at the same address as the administrator. Being that I was using the family premium, a...
Não consigo confirmar/autorizar membros na conta, ou alterar o CEP
contido nas contas de quem convidei. Segundo o FAC, seria esse problema
relacionado ao CEP que estaria impedindo a confirmação do CEP da atual
residência de todos. Se não há como alte...
Não consigo confirmar/autorizar membros na conta, ou alterar o CEP contido nas contas de quem convidei. Segundo o FAC, seria esse problema relacionado ao CEP que estaria impedindo a confirmação do CE...
Buen Día tengo un plan familiar premium la vdd yo estoy feliz con el
servicio amo la música el problema que tengo es que ya van dos veces que
un miembro de mi familia ya hace dos cuentas ya que argumenta en un
corre que recibe que no es miembro y que...
Buen Día tengo un plan familiar premium la vdd yo estoy feliz con el servicio amo la música el problema que tengo es que ya van dos veces que un miembro de mi familia ya hace dos cuentas ya que argum...