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Hide erotic « Shows to Try »

Hide erotic « Shows to Try »






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My Question or Issue


There is a new « Shows To Try »section showing up in my home screen showing some unwanted erotic podcasts. How can I remove it? Nothing against erotic podcasts but

- I’m not interested in them

- I use spotify for music not podcasts

- It is embarrassing to see this on my home screen


Please, do not send me to your feature voting system. This is not a feature this should not happen at first place. 


I wonder what kind of BS brainstorming you did to come up with a feature « Let’s show users some random erotic podcats »


How can I remove this? This is so annoying!!





82 Replies

Hey there @Tex-Twil,


Thank you for your post and feedback.


There's currently no option to hide podcasts.


We understand in your message that you don't want us to send you an idea, but if this is a feature you'd like to see we suggest that you leave a +VOTE and Subscribe to this and this thread for any updates.


You can read how your feedback reach Spotify here.


If you have any questions we're always one reply away.

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@Jeremy wrote:


We understand in your message that you don't want us to send you an idea, but if this is a feature you'd like to see we suggest that you leave a +VOTE and Subscribe to this and this thread for any updates.




Dear Jeremy,

read what you wrote but slowly. You'll maybe realise that you did exactly the opposite of what I asked for.


But I'll try to rephrase to try to make you understand. This is NOT a feature request. This is a BUG report. My timelime is showing some random erotic podcasts. Remove them.


So just copy and paste the url of this message and send it to your Product Managers and ask them to fix this. 



Same problem here. Earlier today my dad was trying to help me out with something on Spotify and he was greeted with “Shows to try: hentai with senpai”. I want this **bleep** off of my home page immediately.

I see that podcast, too! It's really annoying to see that everytime I open Spotify

Do you see exactly the same podcast as I do?

Hey folks,


Thanks for reaching out to us.


Could you share with us the URI of the podcast/podcasts? We'll look into this further.


It's also a good idea to add your +Vote and Subscribe to the threads that @Jeremy mentioned. That way you can stay up-to-date with any relevant news about this.


Keep us in the loop! We'll be right here if you have any questions.

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Oh, I was talking about the Hentai with Senpai one that edak mentioned

Hey @ScienceNerb,


Thanks for getting back to us.


We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback and information with us. We'll make sure to pass it on to the right team.


If you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We'll be happy to help.

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Hi, Ok so I just started using Spotify and I must say this is a really good app but, this ''shows to try'' is so annoying. I mean why is it even on my home page?


When I first saw it I was so embarrassed and at the same time frustrated


I only listen to Spotify for music and not for any of these shows!!


Or maybe you CAN recommend me shows but not any kind of sexy, bad shows I mean, THIS IS THE FIRST SHOW IN MY HOME PAGE and it even has a LINK that leads to a site that sells **bleep** toys ( I'm not sure cuz I didn't open the link BUT next to the link it says '' Best **bleep** toys '' so anyone could guess where the link leads to!!!


Next, Hindi. Yes, this show is in Hindi!!! Why is an  Indian show which is in a language that I DO NOT speak on my home page??? I've been to India a few times and that is the reason why I have an Indian show on my home page? Smh!!!




I need a solution. PLEASE




i need help remove erotic content from my spotify app

this content is inappropriate for some users and pls give user option to delete



this content is inappropriate for some users and give user option to delete, we pay for it.

I have the same issue as the last two users.

I am an old periodic user of Spotify since 2016 but pay the service since a few month and also use more actively.

Very shitty situation if you ask me to have such proposition when all I want is to enjoy music and not be flooded by explicit content... Never searched for such things on there

I've been using spotify for well over a year and it was all cool until this "shows to try" feature was added, didn't mind it at first but later whenever I wanted to show friends or family what I listen to they see this first thing I open and I start getting weird looks, this has happened way too many times and is getting really embarrassing as a premium user and not having the ability to remove this feature is extremely annoying. I'm sure thousands of other people face a similar issue and if this keeps happening I'll just have to stop using spotify please change this

spotify explicit podcasts.PNG
spotify explicit podcasts2.PNG

Agreed, this is one feature that disgusts me when I open spotify

I'm being subscribed to Spotify premium from last couple of years.

But these unwanted features, lack of customisation and horrendous customer support ( A bot could write better relatable responses than the scripted BS we get from Spotify) , really made me switch from Spotify.

Be assured I won't make the mistake of renewing my subscription this time.


p.s : I want a music app where I find songs which I want to listen, not what u guys want me to!!!

Hello, I'm currently being recommended erotic ASMR by amouranth as well. I'd like this REMOVED. This is not okay. Can you imagine the embarrassment of opening up Spotify at a family bbq and having my MINOR cousin and niece see my Spotify? I am beyond frustrated to see this was something people have been demanding to be removed. This is not a feature. This is unacceptable i am writing here once and I expect this to be changed or I will not be using Spotify again. 


This isn't me being a Karen, I refuse to have to be worried that kids under the age of 12 will see a half naked woman with erotic ASMR recommendations on a service I'm paying for that I have ZERO interest in that I have NO way of hiding or removing. Be better.


Just like some users here, I'm also being recommended stuff like "erotic ASMR by Amouranth" and "Anime OST's". Honestly, I don't mind the feature, since it's there to promote things that users didn't ask for, but I can't stand the fact that you CAN'T remove it nor hide them. There's no option but to leave it there? Like, really? I only use Spotify for music, that's all, any other thing that you add or not, I don't care, I didn't ask for it.

If you think it, just for a moment, this is not about being Premium member -which I am- in order to hide / mark that stuff as 'non interested in', this hits user experience really hard. 

So, please, let us remove that stuff, it's really annoying.




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