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Unfollowed Podcasts Won’t Leave ‘New Episodes’ Section

Unfollowed Podcasts Won’t Leave ‘New Episodes’ Section



Premium (family)




iPhone SE

Operating System

iOS 14.6


My Question or Issue

hi, i have had a problem with the new episodes section of my spotify account. there’s a podcast i listened to a few episodes of and the unfollowed, but it still appears in my new episodes section. i’ve tried marking all the episodes i listened to as unplayed, refollowing and unfollowing, deleting and reinstalling the app, but none of this has stopped the podcast from appearing in the new episodes section. does anyone know if there’s a way to fix this? it’s very annoying since this podcast is much more active than any other i listen to and it often ends up taking too much space in the new episode section. 

41 Replies

Hi there @eraserheadbaby_,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community. 


Can you confirm that you followed the steps that's provided in this article? There's some more steps to help thoroughly uninstall the app from your phone so if you haven't, we'd highly suggest it since the steps will make sure there's no old cache files causing this.


If you did and the issue persists, can you let us know if the same thing occurs on a different device?

We'll keep an eye out for your reply.

Take care!

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hi jeremy. i have tried to fully uninstall the app in the way described in the tutorial but unfortunately that did not help.
i should have added this in my original post, but i also use spotify on my mac (2017 macbook air, high sierra 10.13.6) and the problem is consistent there. both the web browser and desktop app versions show the same podcast in the new episodes tab.

Hey @eraserheadbaby_,


Thanks for keeping us in the loop 🙂


It's a good idea to try with another account on the same device to see if that changes anything.


You can also share with us a screenshot of what you're seeing and the exact Spotify version that is running on your device. We'll look into this further.


Keep us posted.


Ver Moderator
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hi, here is a screenshot of what i’m seeing:

the partially examined life is the podcast that won’t leave the new episodes section. i am using spotify

Hi @eraserheadbaby_,


Thank you for getting back to us. 


For how long have you had this issue? Take into account that the New Episodes section updates according to what you listen to. This means that the more you listen to other podcasts, the less that "The partially examined life" will show. 


Also, make sure you don't activate the Private listening whenever you listen to your favorite podcasts, this way the recommendations will adjust according to your interests.


Lastly, let us know if those new episodes show when you go to Your Library > Podcasts & shows > New Episodes.


We'll be on the lookout!

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I have the same problem! Hopefully you guys can add a feature to delete podcasts from the home page soon.

Hey there @juliii452,

Thanks for your post in the Community!

We understand that you'd like to be able to customize the Home screen for your Spotify app. It seems that users have already gathered to vote about similar topics in our Idea Exchange here:

Feel free to add your vote for one or more of the existing ideas and to show your support. Please note that even if an idea is currently set to “Not Right Now” you can still add your vote there and we revisit those ideas on regular intervals. It might be that their time would be right in the future.


Hope you find this useful. Keep us posted if you have any questions.

Kiril Moderator
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i have the same problem, i followed the the steps to reinstall the app, accordint to the link above.


in the good morning section on the home screen i see podcasts i dont follow and i barely listened to once in past 12 months 😞

is it possible that the reason is my wife listens to them?  But she has a separate account and we have family package ...

I also suffer from this, podcasts I unfollowed months ago still appear on all devices under my "Good afternoon" area of the Home Screen with a blue dot to signify that I have not listened to the episode yet.
Please fix it

I have this exact problem. Episodes of podcasts I once followed, and have now unfollowed, are still showing up in 'My Shows' and on my homescreen. I've tried everything and they're still there.

Hi there folks,


Thank you for your replies and feedback.


For now we recommend that you head over to the ideas that's been suggested above and give it a Like and Subscribe to them so that you don't miss any updates.


We understand that things can feel frustrating when things don't work as you'd like them to. Rest assured that we're always trying to improve as we always strive to improve our features.


We hope for your understanding and that you continue using Spotify and find it gets better in the future.


Once again - thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it. Let us know if we can help you with anything else.


Take care!

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Still have the same issue. Dozens of podcasts I don’t follow still show up in new episodes and I have a premium account. It’s not up to your paying customers to try to resolve an issue with YOUR software. Fix it! People have been complaining for YEARS!

So many of us have the same issue and still no resolution. This is a deal breaker for me. There are other podcast and music apps available that don't have this problem. I won't be renewing my premium subscription for this reason. 

I have the same issue currently, still not resolved after years.


But it is ok guys, Jermey says to go to the ideas page and give it a like and subscribe because that is definitely going to solve our problems...


Be better, Spotify


Same issue. Please fix.

Frustrating at times !! It punishing to try out podcasts here as they don't leave you afterwards.

Hello folks and the moderators, I have this problem and it looks like this is going on for two years almost and the engineering team at Spotify did not bother to fix. I have a podcast show that I stopped following and, obviously, am no longer listening. However, even though I reinstalled application after cleaning the cache and everything, it still shows up on the main screen with new episodes. This has nothing to do with customization of the home screen, this is clearly a bug since anything that you decided to unfollow means you do NOT WANT to see/listen to that anymore. Why can't you fix this? 


Also, this is showing up in Web Player on Chrome as well. So, this is nothing to do with an application on a mobile device.


There are tens of bugs in the application and web interface. I wonder how on earth do you guys manage to make a step ahead and three steps behind by introducing these inconveniences and bugs at each iteration.

I feel spotify should be more customizable in its home page, you should be able to remove what we don't like to see anymore. I have the same issue here. there's a podcast that always pops up which I don't follow anymore but it's still being counted as part of  my shows and I'm still seeing updates on my home page which i don't want. that's how i even got here. Spotify should work on these please.

So true; this isn't a way to resolve very obvious problems ...

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