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An error occured


An error occured

This is all I get when trying to do a search in Spotify on my iOS device. It's been like this for a couple weeks now. I've tried logging out and back in (logging in both traditionally and via Facebook). I've also attempted removing the app and reinstalling it from the app store. It happens over both wifi and 4G.


My desktop spotify client works just fine.


Screenshot of error is attached.

2014-02-18 16.52.37.png
29 Replies

Way to revive a 2 year old thread... lol. there are other threads posted as of today relating to today's issue. please find and click "me too" and reply if you wish, to draw attention to the most recent problem
Marked as solution

Tl;dr: I didn't have enough memory

Hi, I tried all the solutions previously reported to fix this issue.

Spotify was constantly showing "An error occurred" + try again button while searching for anything or going to browse or home on the iOS app.

It means you don't have enough free space (memory on your device). I deleted pictures and apps in order to free some space and that fixed the issue with Spotify.

Hope I helped

I checked but I still have more than enough space to accommodate the Spotify app.

This is happening on all my devices. I have two accounts and it's happening on both of them. I've already reinstalled the app several times, restarted my phone and still the problem hasn't been solved.

The same thing happened to me on all my devices. I have two Spotify accounts and it's happening on both of them. I've already reinstalled the app several times, restarted my phone several times and still nothing has changed.

Company has an ad blocker set for web pages. Spotify on my iPhone had a pop-up notifying me that I had new suggestions or something like that.  I think that triggered the blocker which caused the error.

To fix.  I turned off wi-fi and opened the app. -- acknowledged the popup notice, closed, turned wi-fi back on and the app started with no errors.

Marked as solution

I turned off my wi-fi, opened the app and then turned my wifi back on and haven't received the error.  Lets hope that worked!

that worked for me too

100% works , tried all the methods listed including uninstalling an reinstalling. This is the only one that worked thanks!

I'm on a chrome book and Spotify works just fine at school but not at home or anywhere else what can I do?

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