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Comedy genre

Comedy genre

The comedy genre has changed not sure if it’s just me.

when clicking on the comedy genre it used to be sorted firstly by all different comedians with pictures of them so you could choose a comedian you wanted to hear and listen to then look through all there full length shows.

now it just comes up with a list of “songs” by completely different artists, it’s in my opinion more awkward to navigate through the artists to find and choose a comedian you want to listen. It just comes up with several artists with just a 5 minute “song” so you have to click on one the go through to all there shows. Preferred the way it used to be! 

1 Reply

Hey @Garrydavies, welcome to the Community.

Hope you're doing great!

At Spotify, they're often testing and launching improvements and new features. Learn more here.


If you don't like these changed I'd suggesting submitting an idea thread in the Idea Submissions board


That way it will allow everyone to express their opinion towards it and allow them to vote for it.


Thanks 🙂

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