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Spotify causing severe battery drain on iPhone 6S running iOS 10


Spotify causing severe battery drain on iPhone 6S running iOS 10

This was an issue on iOS 9 and still seems to be happening on iOS 10. Spotify is using 3x more battery than any other app and accounts for about 50% of all battery usage. This never used to be an issue, and I don't understand what it could possibly be doing that is so resource-hungry. Most of my listening is via saved songs on my offline playlist, so it isn't a mobile data issue.


Anyone know how to resolve this? A music player should not be impacting device battery life like this.


Edit Oct 11 2016: Adding a screenshot since this doesn't seem to be getting any traction with Spotify. I unplugged 4 hours ago and my battery is at 13%. And 46% of my battery has been used by Spotify over the last 24 hours.

191 Replies

If this doesn't work I'm going to be forced to do what others do and switch to Apple Music or something...

Just tried this fix on iPhone 7, iOS 10, Spotify 7.9. Still the same issue.

Same issue. iOS 10 with iPHone 7 and SoundTouch.  Spotify please help with this, do you read these complaints?  I have reported to your support team but they have not done anything.

I only recently noticed that my Spotify, which at the time was neither opened nor used much, had eaten up 40% of my battery life, with 7 minutes on screen & 7.6 hours of background.


Under settings --> Spotify I found that I gave allowance for background app refresh. 


I think I just hit the jackpot ...


Turn this OFF. 



Tried that as well ... still not working for me 😞
Today Spotify 'stole' 79% of my full charge, listening for 1.5 hours.

Did not work for me 😞 Actually it's now worse than before

Not related to a specific iPhone version, or iOS. To fix this:


Go to your iOS settings, scroll down and look for Spotify, within the Spotify settings disable: Background Refreh.


It should be fine now.

 ^^ This might be the solution for some people, but definitely not for all, myself included. That was the first thing I checked when the problem started and it was already set to "off."  I went back and forth with Spotify support via Twitter a week or 2 ago, they relayed the information to their developers and in a few days an app update was released which fixed the problem. Unfortunately, with the release after that one the problem returned.

No point in trying any work arounds. We are just waiting for a new version with the bug fix. I switched to Apple Music on the family plan and it's a better deal anyway. On another note the android battery drain thread is beating us by about 4 pages.

Bumping this thread. My phone is connected to wifi and feels as if it's overheating if I listen to music for an hour or so.

no go on this, i've always had it turned off

no sir.... not at all.... ive never even enabled this so it has nothing to do with it. Sorry

lasteset update still not cutting it for me. Lost 75% battery in standby from 7pm to 4am est last night with the new update that rooled out yesterday. Sorry Spotify but it lookes like its time to slice me some apples. Get your stuff together!!!

Having this issues all of a sudden it jumps in battery usage first 46 then 48 then 52 this ridiculous this never happens before and I have the new update . Spotify can u please do something about this it's taking all my battery when it shouldn't . !! I'm livid ! I love this and I listen to it all them time my battery would last me all day without having to charge. Now it's on the chargers by 10am when I had 100 percent battery at 8-am

I have exactly same problem iOS 01 iPhone 6S. I try reinstall Spotify, switch off Background refresh

I have to agree with this and the fact that it's still not fixed I don't know what to say... I just started to use Spotify about half an hour ago and it became the number one most battery hogging application I have ever had, congrats on the achievement not that it's anything the devs should be proud of... well here's my evidence:

Also to note, I have only been using wifi not data, only two applications have had background app refresh Spotify and well I think that was it rlly, but the picture shows clearly this is a major issue just look at the usage time, xD

can you report to Spotify directly too? i did.

How did you report directly to Spotify?  Please share details.  I'm also experiencing the same issue while using a iPhone 7 with iOS 10.  Between the two of us and everyone else on this forum, I don't think that Spotify reads our comments.

I've cancelled my subscription since 19/03 and gave my feedback in the cancellation notice. Chances are they read that. I've switched to Apple Music since, same price, same music and neatly integrated in iOS. The Windows client isn't as good as Spotify but I can deal with that. I've been a long time Spotify subscriber but can't deal with this battery-hungry-monster and the inability to resolve the issue.

To those asking how to report directly to Spotify, they have a support account on Twitter: @SpotifyCares. They were very responsive with direct messages, so high marks for that. It's just unfortunate that this issue with battery drain still hasn't been resolved.


The latest update improved it a little 38% usage vs. 65% usage previously over the course of 1.5 hours streaming to Bluetooth headset over WiFi.

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