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display bugs on iOS 15

display bugs on iOS 15


iPhone 13

Operating System

iOS 15.0

Spotify Version (I have tried to send feedbacks through TestFlight but I'm not sure it's sent successfully. And the both issues below happens in the latest public version of Spotify iOS)


My Question or Issue 


Sometimes the album page, the now playing page and My Library page will go too close to the top of the screen and get partly covered by the front camera. Besides, the top bar of the phone (time and battery) disappears in Homepage and Search page when the above issue happens.




The CHINESE CHARACTERS are not displaying completely in:

  • the song title in now playing page and
  • the album title in the album page

You need to fix the font size.


I've put the complete characters beside the title so you can see the flaw.



63 Replies

Hi folks,


Thanks for sharing this info.


The right teams at Spotify are looking into this as we speak.

We don't have official info on exactly when this will be fixed. We'd recommend enabling automatic updates for your Spotify app, not to miss any updates.


Take care.

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when i use spotify, suddenly the screen will mess up and the text will go under the iphone notch. I'm not sure what happened but i've logged out multiple times, did a clean reinstall like 5 times and nothing has changed. here's a picture i took so you can properly see what i mean.




United States


IPhone XR

Operating System

IOS 15.0.2



Problems still not fixed after latest update !!!

Both issues still not fixed (; iPhone 13; iOS 15.1)

Just saw on The Verge that Spotify is testing a “TikTok-like” video feed in-app. Seriously?! And yet, It’s been almost two months and they still haven’t adressed this issue. What is more important than the app working properly?!


After yesterday’s update I thought it would be fixed, but I was wrong. Today I’ve opened the app and this is what showed up:


iPhone 12 mini, IOS 15.1, Spotify version UI bugs still not fixed. 

The bugs are still not fixed even in the TestFlight versions (I’m currently on 8.6.86 (868601416))


nothing gets fixed after two months. Ridiculous

The situation still seems to be going on but with the recent update it's not as frequent. I hope the next update will completely fix the issue.

The issue is less frequent now but it still happens from time to time. I use the latest version of the app, I already did a clean install, force reboot of the phone, etc. Iphone 11, latest verion of iOS too.

Still not fixed in

It’s really getting absurd. Another two months passed. Two month to fix a fundamental app display bug? Make it an ongoing issue pls, cause it’s so absurdly ongoing. 

It’s really getting absurd. Another two months passed. Two month to fix a fundamental app display bug? Make it an ongoing issue pls, cause it’s so absurdly ongoing. 

I'm having similar display issues are described above, just got the new iPhone 13 Pro Max and those same issues I had on my old iPhone 11 are still here. Beta and alpha test sign-ups are full. Don't have TestFlight email.


Pictures are below.


Running app version Happens after a while of switching back and forth between Spotify app and other apps.


Hi folks,
Thank you for keeping in touch. 
After investigating this from our side, we've concluded that this may be related to a number of factors such as OS versions, factory settings or the device itself. This is because this issue occurs mostly randomly and for many a clean reinstall has done the trick.  
Because of this, we can't commit to a timeframe for a fix. However, with each update we keep working on improving the optimization of the app, so please make sure to keep your app up to date so you don't miss any important fixes or features.
If there's anything else we can do for you, the Community is here for you.
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I've had this issue for the last few months.


Version 8.6.98 and above (versions still in beta) have greatly improved this and I haven't noticed this issue anymore.


Make sure to update to the latest version and see if you are still having this issue.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

It happened to me again today. The app is always up to date so that's definitely not an issue. They need to fix it. It's less frequent now and it only seems to happen when you open the app, use it and come back later to find the bug. As if something happens when the app is in the background.

Don't be happy too soon, my friend. If you use it, you will find that the problem still exists. I thought this loophole had been solved, but it will suddenly appear when you don't pay attention.

I also have this problem, which has appeared since I changed the iPhone 13 Pro last year.


I thought it would be solved in a month. Who knows it hasn't been solved after almost half a year. It's really incredible.


Every time IOS is upgraded to the latest, spotify is also upgraded to the latest to pray for a solution, but it welcomes disappointment again and again.

I’m starting to turn to Apple Music now. Let alone the lossless quality, at least it’s stable. The bug, for my part, is unacceptable. And their negative attitude only signifies an indefinite existence of this problem. 

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