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Charged for unwanted Premium

Charged for unwanted Premium

So I got a 60 day trial for Premium. It was nearing the end of the trial and I didn't wish to continue with Premium, so I cancelled. I then got an email saying that I would switch to Free once the trial was up, it also says that (and still does) on my account. BUT, I saw yesterday in my Bank Account that I was charged $12.99 for a month of Premium - even though I had already cancelled my subscription.


I have tried to get in contact with Spotify and messaged Customer Service (think their name is Per on here?) and they have just ignored my request of a refund. 


Is there anyone else I can contact to get this sorted?

2 Replies

Hello and thanks for posting in the community!

Did you sign up for Premium through iTunes maybe?

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Nope, through the app.

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