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Error code: 3


Error code: 3

Can't log in due to error code 3. anyone have a fix yet?


Accepted Solutions
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So I figured out how to fix mine, but I'm not sure if it will work for others. Basically what I did was go to my email that my account was registered under and I searched for an old reset password email (thankfully I had one from like 2 days before) and I just reset my password with the link and now it works fine! I hope this helps!

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Marked as solution

This worked for me when I got error code 3.  I did not use my email, but just the username.  Instead of, I just typed in username.  Hopefully this works for others. (Note, this was for the app, not

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78 Replies

Same just changed my password and now cant log back in on application but can on web browser

Been trying to log in with email instead of username!

Anyone who got a coupon code recently? I bought an eBay cupon code (cheaper than usual) and even received the Spotify official receipt for its activation... But I think I got scammed and my account "disappeared". Waiting for Spotify and the seller's answers.

Same problem here

This is happening to me too, I've tried changing my email and password but nothing is working 

I have the same problem here (Error code: 3) , can't' login on my phone, browser and on PC


I try to log with my facebook account and says that my username or password is incorrect

Marked as solution

So I figured out how to fix mine, but I'm not sure if it will work for others. Basically what I did was go to my email that my account was registered under and I searched for an old reset password email (thankfully I had one from like 2 days before) and I just reset my password with the link and now it works fine! I hope this helps!

error code 3 has happened to me twice in the last 2 days.  Both event I requested a password reset.  This allows me to log back in, but I'm beginning to wonder if I need to do this


Hopefully a fix soon.

Marked as solution

This worked for me when I got error code 3.  I did not use my email, but just the username.  Instead of, I just typed in username.  Hopefully this works for others. (Note, this was for the app, not

Haven't read all the posts below/above but I changed the username to be equal to just my username and not whole email. So if your email is just put 1230 for username. 

Check the email you used to signup for Spotify.  I have been having the Error Code: 3 problem for about a week.  So I check my email and there is one from Spotify from the beginning of December saying they reset my password because they thought my password/account had been compromised.   I reset the password and can now login error free.


I have an email (not facebook) account and this was happening with me and I had now idea what was going on. I have 2 spotify accounts (by accident) and I changed the paswords on both multiple times but it was still not letting me log in. I even made another brand new account to see if that would help. Finally, instead of entering my email, I entered my acocunt name and than it let me log in. Thank God, cause I was getting very frustrated. Hope this helps! 


Found a solution, for whatever reason some idiot thought it would be smart to have separate passwords used for your online and device apps. There is a page that has a separate username that you can then get a password from. Seriously, I have never had more trouble from any software than this, soley because of just weird design decisions like this. I'm more tempted to jump ship every day.


Perhaps I corrected this unkowingly by resetting my password from my computer and my iphone.

Good catch on your part


Me too. Could be the problem is that I use multiple devices for my account- home desktop, work desktop, cellphone. Perhaps it doesn't like different IP addresses or something?


Today I can't login with any of them... 😞


This is the precise answer I needed! Thank you!!!

Thank you so much this worked.

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