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Error code: 3


Error code: 3

Can't log in due to error code 3. anyone have a fix yet?

78 Replies

Worked for me too. Thanks

@fofe23 wrote:

This worked for me when I got error code 3.  I did not use my email, but just the username.  Instead of, I just typed in username.  Hopefully this works for others. (Note, this was for the app, not


yeas!!! this work for me!! just replaced my email with my username of the app!!!

Its still not working with my username I even changed my password and made a new account

Worked for me! Thanks!!

Did you try your email address but leave off the @***mail part?

Yep. That's exactly what I did. Worked for me on my Mac Spotify app after I did that.

wow! it was saying username too! hahaha i was typing in my email lol thank you!

Thank you for suggesting using username instead of  I finally got logged on.

Thank you. your solution worked fine for me. removed the and it logged in just fine

Yup, just your username, no email address fixes the error!

Yup, just your username, no email address fixes the error!

Just username, no email address gets you in

Yep, this was my problem too. Thanks for the solution!. Hey Spotify, how about fixing the issue so either the username or email will work?


@d1rtgrub wrote:
So I figured out how to fix mine, but I'm not sure if it will work for others. Basically what I did was go to my email that my account was registered under and I searched for an old reset password email (thankfully I had one from like 2 days before) and I just reset my password with the link and now it works fine! I hope this helps!


that worked for me, thanks

dont type the email, just the user name and ur password!!

Worked for me too !

have the same problem on my mac with newest OS Version El Capitan and current spotify version.. (Error Code: 3 , wrong user name or password)

doesn´t work in spotify app on my mac.. tried to log in with user, without and with complete email address, but nothing works..

not good for the image of spotify ;-( Have also performed a password reset couple of times.. 

Anyone a solution/ idea how to solve this issue ?



Use whatever username you chose/made when you created your account for example


say my email was that does not mean your username will neccesarily be spotifymusic



Thanks for reply, but tried that several times and it doesn't help.
Tried also to create a completely new account.. Same error.

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