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Lost my Account trough Google Smart Lock and Password reset

Lost my Account trough Google Smart Lock and Password reset


Premium Family





Operating System

Android Oreo


My Question or Issue

As stated above in the title I seem to have lost accsess to my Spotify Premium Family trough a series of rather strange events. 

Trough a bug in google smart lock i coudlnt get in my mobile spotify account.

I thought maybe a password reset would help the problem. 

So i reseted via username and got a new password and a new username.

Now with the new password and username i can log in to an empty account, but with my old username and new password i cannot log in to my original account.


Can anyone help me ?

3 Replies


If facebook is connected you could try that one.


If you don't, then you logged in with a google email? You can't logon with your old email in google neither?


The thing is, you said it started with logon problems in google but spotify doesn't know that, so your spotify logon and password should still work. If you don't have access to the old account via google you will not be able to reset your password in spotify because it will send an email to your Google account for which you don't have access anymore.


My question. What happened that you don't have access to spotify anymore? The google part I understand but the spotify part I don't get.




Hey rene 

So i thought i had my standart google mail account linked to my old spotify account / username. The username still exists, i am able to reset the password via username but not via the email i though i connected with. Now i know the account isnt deleted im just missing the verified email of the account



Some term cause confusion. Like for me my username is firstname.lastname, I have an outlook email address and i have a display name: firstname lastname.


You have a spotify username, is this an email address or is it something readable or is it a just a bunch of alphanumeric characters. Don't pass the exact values because that would not be secure.


I log on with my username by the way so firstname.lastname not with my email address. Do you logon with your email address?


You also state that you can reset your password. So you can fo forgot password and then you will be able to reset your password using your gmail address?






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