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My account was hacked!


My account was hacked!

Premium account

Taiwanese user



(Nokia 8.1)

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My Question or Issue

I changed my password few weeks ago since I found that there are some strang songs(which I have naver listened yo) in my playlist. But I had no clue whether my accont was hacked or not. Then, I just found that my account name and previous password can be found to the public?!Please check the attached screenshot.

It is very ridiculus, and I am really upset.



<Screenshot removed by Community Moderator>


Accepted Solutions
Marked as solution

Hey @34i8r_e-iep7l,


Thanks for your reply.


If you follow the steps on this page, you'll be put in contact with the right team. They'll be able to help you further 🙂 


Have a nice day!

View solution in original post

Marked as solution

Hi, @34i8r_e-iep7l

I'm so sorry but I agree with them. Spotify is not responsible that your account might have been hacked. Nothing to worry, I can provide you some alternative way to secure your account.


As you have mentioned that you already changed your password.. well, that is a good start. Now, you have to get rid of those hackers. Login into your profile using a browser. On the "overview" tab, you'll see an option that says "sign out everywhere".


You'll be logged-off from all of your devices including from those who hacked your account.


After that, log back in and go to "offline devices" and remove every unknown device from there.


Next is to remove unnecessary access by clicking "apps" tab. That tab will show the apps you have granted to have an access with your spotify. Remove everything to keep your account safe.


Lastly, change you password once again and click "sign out everywhere".


Hope this will help you get rid of them. Also, you might consider getting an antivirus app and scan your device for any malicious files.


Let me know how this goes.




Best regards!

View solution in original post

9 Replies

Where did that screenshot come from?

Hi KossB

I found it via chrome incognito window. Type “kueihsien.y”, and it will
show up in top 50 answers.

Thank you for taking it seriously.



If you changed your password, then it sounds like you have already taken steps to protect your account.

This may not be what you want to hear, but Spotify is not going to be able to explain how or why your account was hacked. They don't have the resources, and it may not be anything within their control.

It could be a virus or keylogger on your computer or your phone, that you accidentally downloaded from a malicious website or a phishing e-mail.

You probably think that is unlikely. But you have not provided any evidence that Spotify is somehow responsible for the fact that someone somehow obtained your password.

To put it bluntly: It's not Spotify's problem.

And BTW most of the people who post in this community are not employees of Spotify. We're just users who hang out here and help each other out.

Hey @34i8r_e-iep7l ,

Sorry to hear that you think someone else has gained access to your Spotify account. Check out this Spotify Answer for the next steps to take.

Have a great day 🙂

Thank you for the reply even though I am not satisfied with it. I might be so impatient and worried at the beginning that did not notice the answers are not from Spotify official. And I just want to give some feedback to them, and to make sure that it could be solved if I change password. But it seems like that you regard it as my own problem and there is no certain answer to it, the only way for me is to accept it. Thank you for the detail.

Marked as solution

Hey @34i8r_e-iep7l,


Thanks for your reply.


If you follow the steps on this page, you'll be put in contact with the right team. They'll be able to help you further 🙂 


Have a nice day!

Thank you!

Hey @34i8r_e-iep7l,


No worries! Let us know if you need help with anything else 🙂




Marked as solution

Hi, @34i8r_e-iep7l

I'm so sorry but I agree with them. Spotify is not responsible that your account might have been hacked. Nothing to worry, I can provide you some alternative way to secure your account.


As you have mentioned that you already changed your password.. well, that is a good start. Now, you have to get rid of those hackers. Login into your profile using a browser. On the "overview" tab, you'll see an option that says "sign out everywhere".


You'll be logged-off from all of your devices including from those who hacked your account.


After that, log back in and go to "offline devices" and remove every unknown device from there.


Next is to remove unnecessary access by clicking "apps" tab. That tab will show the apps you have granted to have an access with your spotify. Remove everything to keep your account safe.


Lastly, change you password once again and click "sign out everywhere".


Hope this will help you get rid of them. Also, you might consider getting an antivirus app and scan your device for any malicious files.


Let me know how this goes.




Best regards!

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