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Unable to redeem giftcard

Unable to redeem giftcard

I recentely recieved 2 giftcards, today 13-04-2016 I tried to redeem one of those cards and it wont let me.


I keep getting the following msg:

Helaas kun je deze Premium-code niet op je account toepassen. Dit komt waarschijnlijk omdat je een bestaand abonnement op Premium hebt dat niet met een Premium-code kan worden gecombineerd.


Unfortunately you are not able to active this code on your account. This may be because you have a Premium account  and this card can not be combined with a Premium-code.


2 Months ago I was able to redeem a card and 2 months before than aswell and before that also. What is going on I never recieved any messages that there were any changes.


I am pretty upset by this and want to know what Spotify is going to do about this problem? Why are you selling giftcards that cannot be redeemed?





3 Replies

Hello there. Do you know where those card were bought? The gift cards must be from the same country as the account is redeeming. Please verify that and let me know.

Hello driveflanger,


The cards were bought 1 km away in the supermarket. So yes they are bought in the same country as I am trying to redeem themselves. As stated in my initial post I have bought them before for myself at the same store, this is why it is so utterly strange and upsets me that they suddenly do not work. 


So hereby it is verified they are bought in the same country and the account that is redeeming them.





Ok @Rogier3. I suggest you to contact Customer Support and fill the contact form there with the problem description. Then, you'll get an automatic mail and you need to reply it. They will take around 24hrs to respond.

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